Page 2, of the 2004 yearbook."the great tribulation".

by Blueblades 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Page 2 introduces the 2004 Yeartext.

    "Keep on the Watch...Prove Yourselves Ready."-----Matthew 24:42,44.

    Consistently,God's Word reminds us that Jehovah's day will arrive with shocking suddenness.Hence,our yeartext for 2004 reflects Jesus' deep love for his disciples,whom he wants to preserve through "the great tribulation." ( Rev.7:14 )

    How do we remain spiritually watchful and ready?By allowing nothing to distract us from our study of God's Word and from our privileges of sacred service.This Yearbook contains many examples of loyal Witnesses,who took to heart Jesus' loving admonition.May you imitate their faith.

    Feel free to comment on this introduction to the new Yearbook of 2004.

    My comment is that they still believe that fear of the great tribulation will still work to keep the rank and file in line.And it is only by our study of God's Word ( notice our study is not explained to say,through the interpretation of the Governing Body ) and from our privileges of sacred service ( again notice,how do they define sacred service,full time ministry ,bethel life,pioneering and door to door work is all a privilege along with meeting attendance is left out )

    By doing this you show that you are spiritually watchful and ready for Jesus to preserve you from the great tribulation which will arrive with shocking suddeness.

    A nice way to introduce the new 2004 Yearbook.Fear of dying in the great tribulation.


  • bisous

    demonstrates the fear on the part of the Governing Body...loss of sheep blindly following them...counteract their fear by instilling fitting

  • stillajwexelder

    MMM as usual fear, fear, fear, to control -- I am sure our leader Jesus said something about LOVE, LOVE, LOVE --and so did the apostle Paul didnt he? Or am I missing something ? Please help. I thought it was love that never failed -- are you guys saying it is fear that never fails?

  • Eric

    How do we remain spiritually watchful and ready?By allowing nothing to distract us from our study of God's Word and from our privileges of sacred service.This Yearbook contains many examples of loyal Witnesses,who took to heart Jesus' loving admonition.May you imitate their faith

    Well, sure it does. Like this one from 1971:


    SAMOA Population: 140,000


    Publishers: 92 Ratio: 1 to 1,522

    A brother with a family of eleven, including an adopted daughter and pioneer living with them, wanted to get all of them overseas to the international assembly in Fiji. Only one source of finance was available. His employers kept a superannuation fund to be withdrawn on retirement or in very exceptional circumstances. Having worked there many years, the brother figured he would have enough in it to get the family to the assembly. Reasoning that integrity and faith in Jehovah will get one through the coming tribulation whether one has money in a fund or not, he resolved to invest his fund toward guaranteeing his family?s future spiritual survival.

    It was not until the week of travel to the assembly that he was able to contact his managing director. Naturally, his director felt as many would. He wondered why a family man would wish to withdraw his only security against the future and chance leaving nothing for them if something happened to him. The brother explained the importance to him and his family as Jehovah?s worshipers of attending the assembly and that this was the only way for them to get to Fiji. His being a respected and trusted employee, his director favorably granted the request and made an unprecedented exception in letting him withdraw his superannuation fund in full. Happy and thankful to Jehovah for this blessing, he went the following day and paid his family?s ship fares to Fiji. The family then joyfully prepared to leave.

    Later that week, however, the brother was informed that the ship was strike-bound in another country and would not be sailing as expected. The only other way out of the country, so as to be at the assembly in time, was by air at greater expense. Suffice it to say that the brother and his family enjoyed the assembly, with no regrets. They know that only spiritual steadfastness, faith and obedience to Jehovah will preserve them. in the future and not transient material possessions.

    So, is there finally any news in the 2004 Yearbook as to how this poor deluded sod, who squandered the financial security of his family of 11 is getting along?

    No? Didn't think so. Maybe next year, huh?


  • heathen

    good point Eric . The org. really knew how to show love for one of their own by not lifting a finger to help them . They only exploit some guy who thought he would perrish by not sending his family to the convention and making an article to convince others how shallow most of their faith is when compared to people who really face hardship . It's your typical let's not plan for the future because of the new system . gag.

  • Blueblades

    Thanks Eric,for posting that 33 yrs ago article.So much for the $80 million that the society spent,not a penny for this poor brother and his family.

  • Eric

    Yeah, Brother Western Samoa must have filled his pants when he realised that he had read too much into the "divine portents" of the year 1975.



  • logansrun

    When something which is so incredibly improbable to happen -- in this case the "great tribulation" -- it would make sense for the presenter of such an idea to say that it will happen with "shocking suddeness." Marinate on that thought for a minute.


  • Euphemism

    You're in a very saucy mood today, aren't you Bradley?

  • Blueblades

    The great tribulation came and went in 70ce.

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