Hi Stillajwexelder,
200 hours per publisher per year -- or 17 hours per publisher per month.
If JWs were averaging 17 hours per month, that would be outstanding! However, the Society mentions the number of Reg. Pio's and Special Pio's as 825,125 ... which should be about 693,105,000 Pio hours (70 hours per month x 12 months x 825,125). If we subtract their service from the 1,234,796,477 peak publishers, then the Publisher totals would be 541,691,477 publisher hours ... this results in closer to 85 hours per year, or their historical monthly average of about 7 hours. Sneaky little Watchtower the way they obsecure numbers.
The 258,000 growth figure is about the same ... so their percentage increase over the previous year is coming down each year. Plus the Society never discloses those who left the religion by walking away, or DF or DA or Died ... so, factoring in these numbers, their growth is almost at a stand-still.
Thanks for posting the figures. - Jim Whitney