JWs Meet Opposition in Brooklyn

by Kenneson 13 Replies latest social current

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I'm with you MFM. "Why am I asking such questions that have no real answer?" I wonder what reply they would have given to a person before 1975 saying, oh you guys will be around 2003 and you'll be acquiring more real estate for your expansion?

    Guest 77

  • gumby

    Ah let them build it.....maybe some will burn it down after it's almost done. I'll bring some weeniers and marshmellows.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    some of the groups objections

    http://www.85jaystreet.org/ At Issue It's too big?a large structure, such as the one proposed will certainly disrupt the architectural harmony that has been established in the area as well stunt growth to the north and west of DUMBO/Vinegar Hill.

    The cars accomodated by the 1100 car parking garage will cause gridlock on otherwise car quiet streets as well greatly impact road surfaces.

    The lack of retail will create a commercial "dead zone" in this critical area and potentially discourage future investment in the area.

    Revenue lost: as a religious organization, the Jehovah's Witnesses who occupy 85 Jay will not pay valuable taxes. As the proposed structure will house one third of the poplulation of the neighborhood, it is important to consider how taxing the building will be on the area and its resources relative to its contribution.

  • badboy

    That story is old, I wondered when I saw Frederick Franz name mentioned 4 I believe he kicked his bucket some years ago.

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