Seriously, I can't help wondering whether their hiatus from meetings and service will alter their post-Covid-19 lifestyle once they experience the freedom of life in the absence of the hamster wheel?
How Will the Quarantined Dubbies React When the "All Clear" Sounds?
by Room 215 18 Replies latest social humour
cha ching
That is what starts a lot of people on the road to 'awakening'.
Brainwashing needs to be constant... THAT is why WT repeats, repeats, repeats EVERY simple, anal thing. They HAVE to.
My son started awakening when he went to a different language congregation. (They couldn't drill his brain).... The ex-JW missionary from China awakens, as there are no meetings to brainwash you, you can't speak directly about your beliefs.
There are some good side effects of this lock-down.
It might and I sure hope so! I missed a lot of meetings over the course of several months for health reasons. It definitely contributed to my waking up to TTATT. I believe that’s why they hound everyone endlessly to never miss a meeting, never take a job where you would miss even occasionally.
When I attended hit and miss I began to see that multiple things that didn’t seem right. For one it seemed that many in the audience were like in a daze, just listening without hearing. Like automatons . What was being said in the publications...I can’t explain everything it would take too long. I will say that the many doubts I’d had over the years but quickly dismissed, I now allowed myself to actually ponder. Then a family member who had left decades before told me flat out that the Watchtower Society is a cult and covering pedophiles. I was shocked, and started researching for myself. I found Paul Gundy’s site, as well as library books etc. All combined and that was it for me ! Done, and now thankfully, I’m Long Gone.😊
Notice the several cult/mind control tactics above, including repetition of beliefs, thought stopping, and keeping members isolated from the outside world.
"How great it was that Jah, through the GB protected us"
Hopefully a few months of "freedom" from the endless regiment of meetings, service, study, meetings, service, study will help those already leaning toward leaving will see the benefits of freedom !
just saying!
Anony Mous
One big reason is going to be when they have to join the online meeting and instead of the address bar, a lot of people will use Google to find the 'correct site' and see some interesting snippet of text from an "APOSTATE WEBSITE" on their first page. They will initially ignore it, but sooner or later, curiosity will kill the cat. -
road to nowhere
Keep busy with study, do meetings at home (complete with dressing up)
There are lots of videos to watch.
In actuality if will be like when it blizzards and meeting is canceled, I never heard anyone complain
How will the CO get by without green handshakes?
The WTS/JWorg will no doubt use this event to show mankind is living in the last days.
You can bet on it.
Of course they wont honestly come forward with the fact that mankind has gone through serious plagues before going right back to biblical times, but fear is something useful to these guys because they know they can psychologically control people by implying and imposing fear.
The WTS/JWorg knows fear and ignorance are exploitable commodities for them, for they can mentally entrap people in this manner to get these ones to serve their own means and purpose .
They plan to meet in small groups at the moment locally. I don’t know if that will be sustained, but if it is then it may bring the congregation closer together. It may not be sustained however, as people begin to get sick.
reviving the killed local "book study group"? selective close encounters?