Breakingbenjamin MIA (What Happened?)

by 95stormfront 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront

    Seems that all the posts by breakingbenjamin have been removed from the forum.

    What happened....did he get caught by his JW gestapo parents?

  • undercover

    I noticed that some of his posts were gone too.

    I know that he was having some problems with his dad over something and they were going to ban the use of the computer. Things may have worsened. I'd say he either chose to cover his tracks or like you said, his "gestapo" parents are on to him and discovered his presence here. The admins probably know but aren't at liberty to say. I just hope things work out for him.

  • one_ugly_time

    Breakingbenjamin -

    If you're out there and reading... take care of yourself. Don't go jacking up or anything stupid, there are a lot of people here that support you, care about who you are, and would offer any kind of help possible.

    So much to say, just thinking about what you are going through if suspicions are correct. I'll try not to dwell negatively, and hope that you are doing well; just taking a breather through the holiday seasons.

    I wish you the best and miss your posts.


  • xjw_b12

    Ditto that. Noticed it as well. That's what happens when you grow a goatee.

    bjammin. Hope all is well. Take Care


  • Odrade

    There are some people in touch with him in real life. We're looking after him. Don't worry.

  • one_ugly_time

    Thanks Odrade !!!

  • sens

    Yep he is ok...he will be back soon...

    I talk to him everyday so will let him know you said hi....

    He is fine....

  • Sassy

    There are some people in touch with him in real life. We're looking after him. Don't worry.

    Good. Tell him we are all thinking about him..

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Yes, Please, let him know he is missed. I will think happy thoughts for his situation to work out.

  • sens
    Yes, Please, let him know he is missed. I will think happy thoughts for his situation to work out.

    will do chevy

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