Don't get me wrong, I'm as guilty as the next guy. I love reading on here, Lurking if you will (I am a woman of very few words) but you know, I still remember what those anal warts (elders) would say at meetings about "apostates" etc. Do you think we're just playing the part because we left the org, I mean, do you get what I'm saying? Just something I've been thinking about.
Do you think we're just doing what the JWs expect by being here?
by NaruNaruChan 13 Replies latest jw friends
I will only say that some of the things the elders say about apostates are true.
What do you think the J-W's expect? They expect that we're here crying over being dismissed from their organization, and that everyone on this board is here because they're EVIL. Many JW's actually believe the teaching that disfellowshipping is actually a "loving" provision to protect the organization from bad people.
And they also might expect that sites like this only harp on the faults of JW's all the time (in contrast to some of the posts that discuss good-and-bad things that we remember from our JW days), and that people here promote some sort of organized opposition to the Watchtower Society.
I don't think any of such expectations are true.
Many or most of us here have the advantage of having seen things from BOTH the inside and the outside, so we really do know the inner workings of a JW congregation. Whereas JW's mostly view things from the vantage point of the insider. So they have no idea (or sympathy) for what it's like to be out here.
For them they view their own world through the rose-colored lens of their publications (as they are instructed to do), and they view the outside world as basically evil all the time.
So what they expect doesn't matter much to me.
Big Tex
Do you think we're just playing the part because we left the org, I mean, do you get what I'm saying?
I think we're living our lives. By that I mean we're no longer centering our lives around selling literature. Think about it, we were not serving a benevolent Higher Power, we were gearing up to sell. The Service Meeting was a sales meeting, the School was to help us improve our speaking, the rest of the meetings were there to program us what to say. There was no real spirituality, only more and more pressure to perform.
And so we stepped out. Now there is no pressure, no guilt, no one telling us what to think and no one making up our minds for us. It is not humanly possible for me to care less what a bunch of smug, self-righteous, tightly wound, seriously dysfunctional and very stressed people stuck in a cult think about me and my life choices.
We now have the opportunity to become the people we were meant to be. We make the choices.
The best revenge for the harm done to us is a life that is well led.
I don't care what the elders or JWs expect, one way or t'other.
Why am I here? Because I think YOU - all you other I's who am here also - are a pretty interesting bunch o'folks. Once in a while, I need a little support, or at least someone (or ones) to talk to about things that occur in my life, and I know others here need that support and/or a listening ear too. Topics of discussion can be things that are common to all people, or things that particularly relate to JWs and ex-JWs. Sometimes I enjoy, and find particularly valuable, the perspectives of others whose world view was once that of the JWs, as mine was - regardless of the fact that we have all become marvelously diverse in our views since leaving the Witnesses. Sometimes I feel that I have something potentially valuable to offer in response to someone else's question, or need to discuss a particular topic.
The GB occasionally gets something right, and they may be partially correct in assessing the motivations of "apostates." However, their degree of correctness is of absolutely no consequence to me. I no longer acknowledge them as the mouthpiece of some "faithful and discreet slave."
What they "expect" is that we sit around all the time bashing them and plotting to overthrow them. While there are a few that might not have gotten past that... for the most part most of us have moved on and gotten a whole new life. Do I think I'm doing what they expect of me just by being here? I can tell you without a doubt that it doesn't concern me what they think, I really don't care.
To sit around bashing them you have to hate them. To hate them takes energy. I don't give them any energy at all. I wish them well and certainly hope that they figure it out, but basically most of the people in the religion are getting something out of it or they wouldn't be there. Whether I think its healthy or not is beside the point.
With the exception of the child molestation stuff which needs to be on the news every night, I think they can all just go on and live their lives and leave me to live mine. And basically that is where I'm at, they never bother me.
I am here for support, community and the occasional entertainment. Also, there is plenty to learn....thats what the elders expect us to do...learn something...thats why they do not want us here.
I am here for support, community and the occasional entertainment. Also, there is plenty to learn....thats what the elders expect us to do...learn something...thats why they do not want us here
See, that's why I'm here as well, but I just got to thinkin all Matrix-like, and wondered if anybody else felt like a tool since they left the Borg.
Actually, I think that the Matrix is a metaphor that applies to the organization astonishingly well. All those people, so sure of what they believe in, totally oblivious that their entire world is false. The awakening experience was also very much the same for me as for Neo. Initial disbelief, followed by fear and apprehension, and finally acceptance.
Regarding what the JWs expect of "apostates," what I have to say is that what I found in XJWs was totally opposite of what I was expecting. The diversity, depth of understanding, love, and compassion shown by the XJWs I've talked with so far has been something I could not have imagined from inside the organization.
The whole image of the "apostate" is an imaginary evil archetype. I used to look at the guys outside the convention hall as the most insanely evil people conceivable. If people got to know and understand one another before classing them (if indeed classing is ever appropriate) I think it would be tough to even have such words as "apostate."
Its a strange and weird ironic dychotomy the witnesses believing the whole world is evil and unhappy and doomed, when in fact they epitomize that so amazingly well themselves, don't they? Anyone remember the old sci-fi series The Twilight Zone? This could be an awesome episode! It's almost like some sort of twisted sociologic experiment. I think the gods are up there laughing their asses off at the whole thing.
There was a movie once, where this guy picked up some sunglasses and put them on and all of a sudden he could see these evil creatures, aliens, I think... but only when the sunglasses were on. The society puts these little sunglasses on its people so they see us and all the others as some sort of evil twisted perverted demonized monsters. Luckily we all know how to take those damn things off and see the real world! Oh isn't life great!!!!!
Yea, I know and I don't even have to take drugs, either! lolol