Cough - Cough - Sniff... I'm Tick

by Elsewhere 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm just getting over this myself...feel better.

  • Nikita

    Aww, poor baby. Ya have to admit, there was lots of kissin' going on at the apostafest. Oh well, ya takes the good with the bad, huh?


    Get lots of rest!!

  • frenchbabyface

    Take care !!!

  • mouthy

    Please hold your breath when at the screen-I have not had my shot... & at my age & diabetic- I dont want it. better still get into a hot bath- have a hot toddy- & sleep it if, if need be wear a diaper ...& if any lovely ladies come to comfort you>>>> tell them NOT ALLOWED!!!!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi elsewhere

    I was wondering why there was so much kissing going on at that apostafest. (from seeing your pictures you posted)... and then I saw that "pucker up" santa hat.... soooooo now, I know what all the kissy/kissy pictures were about.

    Take care of yourself, rest in bed, drink plenty of fluids.. etc....

    I have an 8 year old home from school today... sick with the flu. Started out with a bad headache across the front of the forehead at about 2:30 this morning.. and then quickly progressed to upchucking all over MY bedroom floor.. the poor little guy. He's sound asleep now.. school isn't that important when your sick.. .. and my opinion work isn't that important when your sick. SO..

    TAKE TIME OFF IF YOU NEED TO.. and listen to your body tell you "I'm sick, I'm sick".

    Take care


    Special K

  • Billygoat

    I've been sick this weekend too. But I SWEAR I just kissed you on the cheek!!!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    What sucks is that I did get the flu shot in October, so I should have been covered.

    Could be the reason why 2 out 3 doctors DON'T take flu shots. Feel better soon....

  • Stephanus

    The trouble with flu shots is that there are several strains of flu going around every year, and the medical profession has to guess which one is most likely to do the rounds and then build up stocks of the vaccine for it. They may or may not have guessed properly. I used to get the flu vaccine every year, but I'd I always get a nasty bout of flu anyway. I decided to stop the vaccines because I was making my body fight off two lots of flu, rather than just the one, every year.

  • lauralisa


    Okay. Now. Did you french - kiss XW? She is SO sick.

    She denies it... but hey, I think I'll take a little bit of info here, and there, and will fill in the rest with my overactive imagination, and yeah, I conclude that you french kissed her and wow.... what does that MEAN?

    please explain, or, I'll, like, just, make, something, up, like, uh,

    love, lauralisa

  • Elsewhere

    Ugggg... this thing is awful! It's been kicking my butt! I've been layed up with a fever that moves between 100 and 102.5 all week.

    Hmmm... I don't *recall* any french-smooches. They were all "on the cheek"... well... except for one where I turned my head at the last second and OPPS!

    I started feeling bad on Sunday, so I doubt that I got it Saturday night... it takes longer than that for the flu to show itself. I'm pretty sure I had it before the gathering and just did not know it.

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