...because I can't, not after what they said to me. I've been noticing more an more that I'm more athiest than anything else because I don't have a gret attachment to God or spirituality. Ive mentally grouped it as a pseudoscience. Any thoughts?
After Disassociation or Disfellowshipping, can u still pray or read bible?
by NaruNaruChan 23 Replies latest jw friends
Yer I know a few xjw who still pray and read the bible, some even are more religious than when they were in the org...
I still pray, last night was the first time in ages i actually looked thru my bible...I cant seem to read much anymore...but the reason why is pretty clear..
Yeah, that's my reason too. funny thing is i bounce back quick, but its been a year and although I've thought it was over, the depression I mean, sometimes it comes right back. Doesn't take much, either. just have to see someone I knew sometimes and boom, there it is. Stupid org. Wish I never joined.
Double Edge
I've never been DA'd or DF'd because I was never a JW, so I can't help you much there. As far as praying, NO ONE has any authority to say what is what on who can or can not pray. It's rather laughable. It's like saying you are not worthy to use the telephone.... pah-leeze.
As far as the existence of God, keep an open mind, don't let anyone 'mentally' sway you one way or another. Go with your heart, stay positive to the possiblity, because negativity will never get you anything. A lifetime can be a long or short journey, but real 'treasures' will only be found for those that search.... just keep an open mind.
I've thought it was over, the depression I mean, sometimes it comes right back
((naru)) i know exactly how you feel...atm I feel like this 2...only with me its not going away...its getting worse...but regardless, I do hope things get better hun xxx
I know I wish Id never been involved with them either...
Whenever I hear a scripture quoted I think of what they said about it first before I think of anything else. It distorts things sadly. I can't say as I'm much interested in reading the bible anymore, but that's my choice not because of leaving the organization. I guess you can say I still pray, though certainly not in the manner the witnesses teach.
I still pray from time to time, but I find it pretty hard to take the Bible seriously. After I no longer had a vested interest in seeing it one one particular way, I had to admit that:
- The Bible is totally anti-women.
- The Bible contains accounts that are contrary to all reason (global deluge, anyone?).
- The Bible has really, really wack laws in it.
- The Bible is a pretty arbitrary assemblage of writings - put together by people with political agendas.
For kicks, I highly recommend this site: http://www.thebricktestament.com/. After that site, it's hard to see the Bible as any deep revelation. But prayer, maybe. If there is a God, I can see how prayer might be good.
Anyway, that's my two bits!
NaruNaruChan... I could be wrong, but the issue doesn't seem to me to be dfing or daing... the issue seems to be that you no longer believe in the Bible.
If you choose to believe in God and/or the Bible, fine. If you choose not, also fine. But it's your choice... it's not dependent on your association with a rather loony fringe religion.
Belief in Divinity, or in a fundamentally loving and beneficent Universe, is absolutely not dependent on, or necessarily correlative with, belief in the Bible.
I have not "read the Bible," although occasionally I have looked up verses to remind myself of what they say or to compare translations, since I left the Witnesses. I have less interest in reading the Bible now than in reading the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita (which I actually attempted, a while back).
However, I meditate and practice magick, which is to say that I pray and attempt to commune with and receive direction from the loving Consciousness that presides over all, which I presume to exist. I seek to harmonize myself with my environment (to the extent possible without violating "higher" principles), for my own benefit and others'. After I left the Witnesses, I still recognized my own spiritual inclinations, and needs that I felt could be best met via a spiritual approach to life. In fact, in dealing with my many problems that were caused or exacerbated by being a Dub for 30 years, I made the assumption that the exterior aspects of my life would improve as I grew spiritually. That approach weems to have worked for me. I basically sought spiritual growth through a variety of (potentially) helpful means that the JWs try to turn people away from - mysticism, metaphysics, intuition, psychological holism (recognizing and cultivating the subconscious and unconscious), meditation, energy work, shamanism, magick, Paganism.
Love and regards,
One of the biggest problems spiritually for me to deal with after leaving the dubs was that I could not connect to that angry bearded white male god figure. Coming from a fanatically patriarchal religion like we had, its tough to see any love, we certainly didn't see any practiced there. I did try other christian churches, I just don't buy this original sin concept, that we are inherintly flawed until we accept jesus. Historically jesus did exist, I just don't buy him as a personal savior.
Then I started to read about goddes worship, reverance for the earth, the concept that we all carry a bit of the divine within us and if we choose to connect with it we can have the deepest spiritual connection possible. For me this works, as for George who posted above. I have never been more deeply spiritual.
This isn't for everyone, I guess I'm saying that JWs don't own god. Their version of god doesn't have to be your path. As long as you see them as having some power or connection with god you won't see yourself worshipping or praying or meditating or whatever else.
You'll find your path. Maybe it will be Christian, Metropolitan Community Church is a great christian church which is very accepting of gays and lesbians, and many large cities have one. If not, just be open to explore spirituality. Remember, if you hit a barrier that was ingrained and inculcated into you by the WTS, it most likely has no basis in fact. Examine whether its real or if its just another of their illusions.
Good luck to you. This is an amazing journey, life is great!