Journeyman, do you think that this Sanderson fellow (never heard of him when I used to be interested in all things Dub, two decades ago) is the main mover and shaker behind the changes in direction that seem to be making a "kinder/gentler" WT?
I don't know, but they certainly seem to be putting him front-and-centre a lot more for someone who is a relative newbie. Likewise with the newer three - Cook, Winder and Fleegle - they're already getting major roles. Probably in part because Losch and Herd especially (and possibly Lett) are becoming increasingly decrepit and unfit.
But it's odd that Splane and Jackson don't seem to have a higher profile these days. They've been around longer, and Splane was usually used as their 'teacher of new light' (ahem). Yet Sanderson seems to get a lot of prime features and talks (like the new brochure release), and appear in media-focused items (like the Russia court case).
I suppose time will tell as we see who gets more side-lined and who seems to get the prime assignments in the next year or two.