So where’s You Know? Anybody want to venture a guess?
After ready Farkel’s and Tally’s posts, he’s probably hiding in a corner with a bucket. Puking into it, while thoughts of an elder body reviewing his many raves dance through his head. Hey, Who Knows, there may actually be some lame excuse you can concoct to save your ass – start thinking because you’re in deep. Maybe you could ask the board here for help. That’s an idea.
Anyway, here’s a scripture for ya YK, it’s one of the few that still have any credibility in my mind: Proverbs 10:19 “In the abundance of words there does not fail to be transgression, but the one keeping his lips in check is acting discreetly.”
Is there any application you’d like to make? How about one of your 15 paragraph rants pontificating on this little jewel for us? Make it quick, cause the end is coming soon. Your end that is.
I hate to revel in someone else's pain, but you walked right into this one.