Las Vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL: Las Vegas man charged with raping teen member of his church

by AndersonsInfo 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • zeb

    '..who had her confront Perez face to face..'

    what sort of obscene voyeurism is this that the elders and the gb orchestrate.!

    and at the ARC the two goons for the NSW branch office ummed and ahhd about whether there should be a moral support person female with any poor victim confronting the elders.

    as others have said elders should be held accountable including the denizens of 'the branch office'...

  • LV101

    Thanks, Barbara. I was going to post this -- my husband saved the newspaper article for me to read. I haven't read through all the posts here yet but hope it was on the local TV channels -- maybe not. I'm texting out the info to people.

    Thanks for all your hard work, Barbara.

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