Ponderings on the 'refreshing highlight' of tonight's meeting

by Mysterious 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    When we were leaving a ran across a book called "Apostles of Denial" can't remember the author's name. His basic point was that witnesses don't believe in hell, the trinity, christmas, politics, easter, mother's day, valentine's day, etc. ad infinitum. If every other religion disapperaed a dub wouldn't be able to explain his beliefs. They aren't FOR much of anything, they're AGAINST everything.

  • simplesally

    Blondie, I say, when choosing between the two evils, choose the one you haven't tried before!

  • Euphemism

    JeffT... good point! The thing is, if they simply sat down and wrote out their theology, without emphasizing their differences, they'd have to admit that most of it isn't much different from any other fundamentalist Christian religion.

    SeattleNiceGuy... ROFL! I think you're channeling the spirit of Freddie Franz...

  • JeffT

    There isn't one. I did a quick google search and got results from all over the playing field. The definition for most people seems to boil down to " those whackheads that don't think like me." From my look at it, I don't think dubs qualify by any way you look at it. At the heart of the argument is how you look at your set of scriptures (there are Jewish fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, and Islamic fundamentalists) the common theme is that they look to a set of scripture as the final arbiter of what they believe.

    A dub will tell you that the Bible is the final authority, but we all know that's not true. The governing body has the final say in JWland (or the interpretation of what they said by the local elders).

    In my mind JW's aren't fundamentalists. They submit themselves to a different authority.

  • Gopher


    The book "Apostles of Denial" was published in 1970 in paperback, and the author was Edmund C. Gruss.

    Used copies of the book can be found at: http://www.fetchbook.info/Apostles_of_Denial.html

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