Michael Crichton: Travels

by seattleniceguy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seattleniceguy

    Has anyone here read this book? I'm curious to learn your reactions to it. I'll also give a quick overview for those of you who've yet to read it.

    Travels is a non-fictional account of Crichton's own person travels, both geographical and spiritual. I read it when first leaving the organization, and it was helpful to me in many ways. As Crichton meanders his way through life, his perspective continues to broaden. He visits out-of-the-way cultures and learns about practices that are foreign to him, but which he finds delightful. His experiences were similar to mine, finding out that the culture on the outside of the organization was perfectly lovely.

    It also helped me because as time goes on, Crichton becomes more interested in the paranormal. Being a born-in-the-troof dubber, I had that characteristic sinking feeling when I'd encounter a chapter about psychics or auras. But because Crichton is a rational man - a medically trained doctor - who you feel like you have come to know by this time, it's easier to trust his judgement.

    I was particularly interested by the fact that Crichton claims to have directly seen auras and bent spoons. The meticulous care he takes in describing the details, and his general methodology in life, make me believe that he is not a man who can easily be duped. In the case of the spoon bending, he went to a party where everyone brought their own spoons, and nearly everyone was bending them, melting them right over. He bent the bowl of his spoon. He related that children were particularly adept at it.

    In the case of the auras and other energy phenomena, the most impressive accounts had to do with third parties describing exactly what he himself saw, with no prior agreement. All of these things happenend even though Crichton himself was a staunch skeptic beforehand. It felt very much like my own experiences seeing the light on the organization against all previously held beliefs.

    And although he had serious problems with pychics, he describes going to a convention and following very carefully predetermined conduct (such as never volunteering any information, etc), and still being impressed at the uncannily good abilities of some of the people there to describe his life to him.

    So, my question is, do you think that any of this kind of thing is real? I know we don't believe in demons in the WT sense. But do you think that there is energy we don't understand that can account for such things? Do you think that any form of psychic phenomena is real? We all know that there are many quacks. Is any of it real?

    Previously, I would never have given this a second thought. I was impressed by Crichton only because he is such a skeptic, such a rationalist. Even when he had come to accept the reality of auras, etc, he still tended to attribute all but the unequivocally supernatural to the human mind and our ability to dream things up.

    So how about it? I'm interested in hearing what you all think.


  • Odrade

    I suspect that so-called scientific minds are too quick to dismiss things they can't measure with current scientific instrumentation. The chinese for millenia have subscribed to the theory of Qi which is inadequately translated into English as "life force." Most other cultures have a similar understanding of being interwoven with the energy patterns surrounding us in the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, and all other humans, etc.

    It is not inconceivable to my mind that there is some energetic process that we have yet to understand, but that certain humans can know or use intuitively. I have felt that energy myself, and am exploring it in more depth and with guidance. Some people are quick to assume that "energy," "vibration," "kinesis," and other terminologies are indicative of involvement in the occult--most notably fundamentalists like the JWs. I certainly did when I was one of them, but these ideas have existed quite apart from the occult since early humanity.

    It's an interesting question...


  • Satanus

    I have read and enjoyed most of chrichtons books, but not that one. I will now.

    In the case of psychics, i'm quite sure that some of them are just reading the energy off the subject person. In other words, what you think, feel, plan, whom you've seen has an energy around you that they can read. It's the subconscious. No demons or supernatural are involved in these cases.


  • Eyebrow2

    don't forget the little bald kid in the Matrix: "there is NO spoon"

    sounds like a good read...i will have to pick it up

    when i was starting to leave, a read a lot of different books...stuff on aliens...was a huge xfile fan and all that...but I had always been interested in that stuff as a kid, but did not look into anything because it must be demons.

    My thinking is much different than it was five years ago...the whole life force thing, that somehow makes a bit more sense to me. I dont believe in ghosts, and I dont believe in demons, and I dont believe in angels...but to believe in angels you would almost have to believe in demons wouldnt you? But I think that there is something to be said about a persons aura..be it spiritual or just some phsysical energy thing.

    I would say read as much as you can on different views, some opposing of course. It is an exciting time to be look into possibilties of paranormal, especially when you dont have to feel guilty.

    I really enjoyed alien impact...it really gave me a different perspective as to what some people had on aliens, angels and demons...very interesting

  • seattleniceguy

    Yeah, that's the feeling I'm starting to get - that there is undeniably some kind of "energy" or "collective unconscious" or something, but that is substantially different from the concept of personal invisible forces like angels or demons.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I used to be a pretty big Chrichton fan, way back in the Andromeda Strain days. He has a vivid and creative imagination. I would really love to pick up this book. I havent read much of his newer stuff. I've been trying to find time to read Airplane. I find it interesting that many of the "ER" storylines more recently, have taken place in exoctic places.

    Chrichton is an interesting, intelligent man, whom I bet has had some travels certainly worth sharing.

    p.s. Seeing auras is not too difficult to do. They do exist. It does take a certain amount of concentration, but completely possible to do once shown how. Scientist will tell you that all human bodies emit energies.

  • seattleniceguy

    Chevys - tell us how to see the auras!

  • ApagaLaLuz



    Exercises for the Aura

    Seeing Another's Aura

    This is best done in natural light, but if this is not possible make sure the lights are not too bright and there is no shadow being cast.

    Stand the subject, (this does not have to be a person, you can start off with a plant), about 18 inches in front of a plain white or light coloured background.

    Make sure if the subject is a person, they are relaxed and breathing easily and steadily. As they begin the raise their consciousness, allow your eyes to go out of focus and look PAST their head and shoulder area and focus on the wall behind them.

    As you stare past their outline you will begin to see a white haze around their head and shoulders try at this stage not to allow the eyes to come back into focus and look at the person, if you do start again. This is where you need to train your eyes not to revert back into normal sight.

    Once you have learnt to master and maintain the gaze beyond the person you will begin to see colours around their head and shoulders. You may see white light shapes behind them or begin to see the higher bodies and their colours.

    After practicing for some time most people will see the colours but not always so don't feel you are failing in any way because you will most probably be able to sense the aura in others ways. Smell, feel, touch etc.

    Aura Sensing

    • Ask partner to stand, with feet slightly apart, to relax and breathe normally.
    • Stand in front and hold the palms of your hands a body?s width away from your partner?s head. (Subtle bodies width)
    • Slowly bring the palms in towards the head until you feel a change in the energy between your hand and your partner?s head.
    • Now slowly bring your palms down the body, continuing to trace the energy field around it.
    • Notice how far from the body it seems to project. Be prepared for it to change. Does it swell out or go in at any point?
    • Repeat the process down the front and back of your partner?s body. How far above the top of the head does it extend?
    • Next, to find out if the field seems to extend from the feet also, ask your partner to lie down and see what the emanations are from the feet.

    You have now built up a picture of the total energy field which surrounds your partner. As you do the exercise, you might pick up colours, an unusual shape to the energy field or variations in temperature. These are all part of your interpretation of your partner?s energy field. See if your partner can relate to your findings.

    Exercise to Strengthen the Aura

    This consists of 7 x 4 breaths. Each set of 4 breaths is taken for each layer of the aura. Starting close to the body, imagine the colour Red and breath up the back of the body from your feet to the top of your head - Pause - Take the colour over the top of your head and breath out down the front of the body sweeping under the feet. Still imagining red breath in up the right hand side of the body to the top of the head, pause, breath out down the left hand side of the body taking the colour under the feet.

    Move the circle of colour further out and continue the four breaths with the colour orange.

    Each time move further out and continue the four breaths with yellow, green, sky blue, indigo and lavender. You can finish off with the golden/white light.

    This exercise will strengthen and purify the aura. It is useful to do this every morning and before retiring at night.

  • VeniceIT

    That has got to be one of my favorite books of all time. I don't know why but I found it so fascinating and funny. I love the way he learns about himself, through the experiences he has, and he can be rather crabby. I loved the 'Shark' story as well as his first day on rounds. And some of his hiking stories. I really enjoyed his camping trip in Africa as well with the whole 'elephant' scene, I can't remember it exactly but to me it really described/explained how people feel about leaving the borg. How the fear of the unknown is more frightening then the actuality of it. When it's happening you deal with it, but the waiting for it to happen is the worst part.

    Great read,


  • Enishi

    Here's another guide on how to see auras.


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