Elders' new direction.

by lastmanstanding 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    So basically...if you are going to be an asshole and crash one of their indoctrination sessions, you may get your ass handed to you. Good! I hate everything the JW's have done, but if you are going to be an asshole, you deserve an ass beating.

  • careful

    LMS, do you have a link or document substantiating this claim or is it yet another rumor so common in the Witness world?

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Its always been that way. I'm somewhat of a big fellow and was always told to prepare to use physical strength with anyone who had turned violent. This isn't new. I personally know brothers who threw out a guy to the curb and called the cops.... back in the 90s!

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I don't approve of KH crashing. However, if you've personally suffered injustice and want to denounce it publicly to people concerned (the congregation(s) where the injustice happen), I believe this is totally warranted.

    However, if you just go in there and scream about victims without being able to name one known to most in attendance, well, you deserve to be thrown out.

  • OrphanCrow

    Maybe the org will start issuing canes again.

    They could package them up with every cart order.

  • lastmanstanding


    an hour agoLMS, do you have a link or document substantiating this claim or is it yet another rumor so common in the Witness world?

    As I mentioned in the OP, some would think it's a rumour/hoax etc. I could post the recorded meeting, but that would out me. And I'm sure you don't want bad stuff to happen to me ;)

    Others have said that this is not new. Well, I say I have been "in" for a half century and counting and I have never heard what I was just hearing...

    I imagine that in the past, a few bro's gave a few beatin's but I'll bet the WTS got sued and the bro's got charged. It's ain't the 'twenty's anymore. Lawyers are big business.

    If elders can respond with violence at the KH, then why can't kids in school fight back? Why can't kids go to karate class? And if elders can fight back, why only with fists? Why not have a taser?

    Oh, and by the way, tasers were mentioned at 'da meetin'. Of course they are a no-no, as of right now anyway. But time will tell. Did not the Israelite's have swords? Were they not commanded to smite the infidels?

    And if the elders can fight back, then what of law enforcement? What of the bros in Russia? Can they put the beatin' on those nasty apostate Russians with the balaclavas?

  • sparky1

    Great images OrphanCrow! I have been searching the internet for the photo of the assembly altercation at Madison square Garden. The photo is of a man that is bloodied and beaten and the caption reads: 'I thought these people were peaceful!' When I was a Bethelite in the mid '70's, Sam Van Sipma ( the assistant editor of Golden Age and Consolation) proudly showed me his cane. He kept it as a memory of bygone days.

  • OrphanCrow

    Sparky, I can't find the photo you speak about, either. But, the following link has an account of that photo being taken.


    C. H. Lyon tells us: “The attendants did their work well. A couple of the more obstreperous Coughlinites were rapped on the head with a cane, and all of them were unceremoniously hurled down the ramps and out of the auditorium. One of the Coughlinites rated some publicity in a daily tabloid the next morning, as they printed a picture of him with his head wrapped, as with a turban.”

    And, an account of another photo - a police officer:

    Mob violence also erupted during the 1942 assembly in Klamath Falls, Oregon. According to Don Milford, mobsters cut the telephone wires bringing a discourse from another convention city, but a brother having a copy of the talk immediately took over and the program went on. Finally, the mob broke into the hall. The Witnesses defended themselves and when the door was closed again, one attacker—“a large powerful man”—lay unconscious inside the building. He was a police officer and his picture was taken with his badge alongside his face. “We called the Red Cross,” says Brother Milford, “and they sent in two women with a stretcher and took him out. He was later heard to say, ‘I didn’t think they would fight.’” The police refused to aid the Witnesses, and it was over four hours before the mob was dispersed by the state militia.
  • sparky1

    Photo in the lower left hand corner. The attendants wielding their canes certainly 'kept the peace.' If the OP has a modicum of truth to it, than 'everything old is new again!'.

  • OrphanCrow

    The caption on that photo is interesting, Sparky.

    Note how the newspaper describes the assembly: "anti-Catholic rally"

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