Alright, I'm fed up with the shit going all one way!
Today I had my periodic phone conversation with the family back in the UK. As usual, they veered the conversation around to "the truth".
"Did you go to the meeting?"
"Have you been lately?"
After that it was the usual cliche's:
-"you should widen out, make more friends at the kingdom hall" (I've made more friends in the past six months than in all my years in the WT)
-"stand back and think deeply about the truth" (that's why I stopped going)
-"your business wont make you happy" (I'm happier now than I was a year ago and it has nothing to do with my business)
-"the rotten world is going down" (the world isn't rotten, it's a better place now than it's ever been).
My response to these statements usually gets as far as three words, then they cut me off with the next one. It's almost like they don't want to hear my response.
After that the emotional blackmail, wrapped in false humour:
-"well, you can't visit us unless you're in the truth ha ha ha"
-"we don't want any apostates in this house ho ho ho".
SO: I've had it with the Mr-nice-guy-soak-it-up-like-a-sponge-and-don't-provoke-a-conflagration act.
I am going to mail them just a few of the reasons why I am no longer ensnared in the WT cult.
BUT, I suspect that once they start reading this stuff, they will only read a little before the walls go up and the WT blinders come on.
SO, those first items need to be powerful, irrefutable, and hard hitting, like a battering ram against the walls of WT conditioning. If they can just loosen a few bricks, shake their thoughts inside those walls, maybe in the future THEY will stand back and take an objective look at "the truth".
I have some ideas about what to send in this first volley, but would welcome, please, your thoughts on what I should confront them with.
It should preferably be something that doesn't involve the internet i.e. material I can get from the WT publications or available scholarly textbooks or higher quality news-journals.
I would like to concentrate on showing the idiocy, fraud and sheer rottenness of the WT organization.
While I will continue to mail stuff to them in future, I may only get one shot at actually getting their attention. Please give me your input. Thanks!