I owe the board an apology. Yesterday in two different threads I called Pleasuredome a GEEK and someone else an idiot ( I think it was Logansrun, but I can't find it now). At any rate...I apologize...I'm better than that...as is this board...I'm just very passionate about what I believe and have a very sensitive bullshit meter.
by Yerusalyim 23 Replies latest jw friends
Yesterday in two different threads I called Pleasuredome a GEEK
SHAME on you!!!!
and someone else an idiot ( I think it was Logansrun,
*cough* yes well that one is a bit more understandable....
consider yourself soundly spanked
Guts, man, that was guts...and I KNOW that's not the only time namecalling has been used on the board...Where's everyone else's apology, you bunch of cowards?
Oops....sorry...Just didn't want you to feel alone, yeru...
Thunder Rider
PD a geek now that ain't right LogansRun ...well Yeru sometimes you gotta call em like you see em
Errr that was me not Thunder ....sigh ...errr Xena is a badddddddddddd influence ------------>stomps off
It takes a man to apologise on a board....good for you...
Now hopefully they will except it..
I can stand anything - but not smelly armpits. Have ya washed 'em yet?
LOL....yeru....it was me you called an idiot...(everyone will probably agree with you now that they know)....LOL....my puter was down and I couldn't respond....thank god.....lol
first...apology accepted
second...that's what I like about you....you stand your ground. We differ in opinions, are at both ends of the political spectrum, so ya, one is bound to call the other an idiot once in a while. Personnally I would never use such language....lol....but I want you to know I'm not offended by it, it's all part of the debate, so next time...with me anyway...no need to apologize. You can drop the MOAB of insults on me and I'll still think you're a cool dude. I don't hate people, only crooks in suits.
take care
Whats wrong with being a geek? ;)
It takes a man to apologise on a board
but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man.