Many on here left the Watchtower for various reasons. Did any of you re-evaluate his deity after you left? Do you think that the Watchtower has been accurate in the way they present what other's believe about Jesus Christ and his relationship to the Father?
Did you re-evaluate who Jesus Christ is when you left?
by hooberus 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the answer is yes indeed, in fact most search long and hard and they asked the tough questions and what many have found it that the Jesus/god, bible thing comes up a tab short-
while i fully understand folks needs to have a belief system, what i found was this constant:
"If you don't accept this belief system, be it christain, muslium,,, etc God is going to kill you"
now at first that instills a great fear, but after you start to examine things ,ask question, etc, to have to threaten to kill someone -- just cause they don't accept your belief system, is sorta weak to me
any belief system teaches and depends on killing those who don't accept it is sad and the jesus,christian, bible and most major belief systems thruout history of mankind have depended on that LINCH PIN-
I WILL KILL YOU to me that is a weak excuse for an argument
hooberus....I started a thread today on almost the same subject in the same folder! Did you not see it? Leolaia
Hello hooberus,
I re-evaluated who Christ was when I left the organization. The fact that he spoke with disfellowshipped people (John 9:34, 35) and ate and drank with them (Luke 15:1, 2) and even ate with a man who was 'called' a brother but was an extortioner and a greedy person (John 12:1-6; 1 Corinthians 5:11) attracted me to him. I realized I did not know him and because of this, I did not know the Father either (John 16:3). So rather than get involved in long debates about his 'diety' I cared more about knowing him personally. I read John chapters 14-17 and in those chapters he promises that ANYONE who is honest and true to their hearts and willing to hear things they do not agree with, can come to know the REAL him. So I asked the Father to show me the Christ.
In time this voice began speaking to me calling for me. I asked who it was and he answered, "I am the Christ." The next thing he said was "Just as I have walked, you also must walk." I learned that you don't really know a man until you have walked one day in his shoes. In this case, he told me many things to do and many things to say to several people and they way they treated me was EXACTLY how the Jews and the scribes treated him. It was through the ministering to other people that I began to 'know him.' I later read scriptures that he showed me that showed he had a horrible time in the flesh. Every night he would cry out in TEARS and AGONY because he did not want to commit a sin. He would cry over the death of John the Baptist, over Lazarus, over Herod, and others. He would cry for the crowds who followed him but only wanted to be fed; not to listen to him. He cried over those who betrayed him and it hurt him in his HEART when he was betrayed. He took the sins and sicknesses of many people and he himself was sick constantly. He was a very depressed man, full of sorrows and pity. Yet, he did not let his sickness get in the way of his ministering to people. Whenever people asked for him regardless of the hour; he would reveal himself. Through this I knew he was NOTHING like Jehovah's Witnesses and were he to be in the organization, they would disfellowship him for apostasy. This is how I got to know him and through this, I became KNOWN by him.
He also said many have read about him in the scriptures but have not come to know him. The reason is because they 'say' with their mouth they want to know the truth; but when they read they read with a purpose. They read to find evidence to believe what they WANT to believe and not what they don't want to believe. They don't read with faith for what "is," they read with expectation for their own understandings. That is why so many do not know him. They have not "walked" as he "walked.'
I had rejected a "three faced" trinity before I became a JW but after reading a particular scripture in the NWT I began reevaluating Jesus' relation to the Father and came to the conclusion that the was and is a trinity, but not in the way most people think of it. The scripture is Isaiah 40:26. It says that God is an abundance of dynamic energy. Other bibles use other words but this one scripture in the NWT crystalized in my mind that GOD is the source of all created things as defined by E=MC squared. God, being an entity of unimaginable power, created ALL things from Himself. The first thing He created was Jesus out of Himself. I think of God as this great invisible "nebulosity" (don't know another word to use) who released a part of Himself and that part was Jesus in His prehuman form.Jesus, being of or from God in a manner like this means that He is created but is still eternal since He is still part of God. God also created the Holy Spirit this way. Now when God and Jesus began to create everything else in the universe they kept "something" out that was distinct to Them. This made Them different than ALL other things in the universe but They remain the same unique substance. As parts of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can always "recombine" and "reemerge" with and from God but retain their distinctness and sameness at the same time. If you forget the usual depictions of God as this great human in the sky (He doesn't need a body, or anything that is relative to human existence) then it is easier to "see" Him and His relationship to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. So I do believe in a Trinity but not in the classical way of believing.
hooberus....I started a thread today on almost the same subject in the same folder! Did you not see it? Leolaia
Sorry, I did not see your thread.
elamona said:
God, being an entity of unimaginable power, created ALL things from Himself. The first thing He created was Jesus out of Himself. I think of God as this great invisible "nebulosity" (don't know another word to use) who released a part of Himself and that part was Jesus in His prehuman form.Jesus, being of or from God in a manner like this means that He is created but is still eternal since He is still part of God. God also created the Holy Spirit this way. Now when God and Jesus began to create everything else in the universe they kept "something" out that was distinct to Them. This made Them different than ALL other things in the universe but They remain the same unique substance. As parts of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can always "recombine" and "reemerge" with and from God but retain their distinctness and sameness at the same time.
What scriptures caused you to reach your above conclusions? Do you believe that there was a time when Jesus did not have a conscious existence with the Father?
absolutely. even while I was a JW I believed in the trinity.
Most definitely dude! I now feel that Jesus was just one of many Spiritual Teachers given to us to learn from! But, that doesn't mean I need to convert to christianity or anything like that........I think Buddha and the Dali Llama (sp?) are teachers too............
"Peace be with you........and with you also........"
I did, but hubby didn't.
I didn't investigate until about two years ago, and now I do believe he was a historical person, but with lots of "rewrites" on his real history. A great teacher? Absolutely. Son of God? Ridiculous.
I do consider myself to be a Christian though. I love what my brother says about it: "the world needs more Christs and less Christians". I know what he means by that...........less of the fundies.