I'm doing a report for school on Jehovah's Witness and I've looked all over the internet and I can't seem to find the method by which they maintain a distinct identification (for example symbols, clothing, and appearance, etc) If anybody can help I would be grateful. Thanks
Can Somebody Help Me Out?
by DazedNConfused17 12 Replies latest jw friends
This method is handed down to them by their God (the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society).
You should see how the JWs dress for bed. I think their church clothes are more revealing...
How? They read and study the same policies in the same magazines week after week.
What? No beards and ties for the men. Modest dresses for the women (no slacks). Also, there is an entire specialized language that only another JW would understand. "Special Needs Talk" "Babylon the Great" "Conscience Matter" "Worldly" "Apostate" "Disfellowship" "Disassociate".
They all have a great big "L" stamped on their foreheads! Maverick
Hallo and welcome Dazedandconfused17,
That sounds an interesting project.
The JW's keep their identity by not joining or participating in the following
festivals, political groups or debates, inter-faith services etc.
A good JW will not be a close follower of fashion but will dress in what has been described variously as "Stepford wives" or "Cookie cutter " mode. If you imagine the late 1950's style that would be about right.
A good JW will not have a career but a job.
A good JW will not have friends who are not JW's.
A good JW will attend 5 meetings a week. Do pre-study for all of those meetings. Put in at least 10 hours a month doing door to door work.
With all of the above the good JW will not have the time or energy to give more than perfunctory time and attention to a job or school studies and so their identy is formed and kept.
Always remember that all these regulations are constantly reinforced in the WTBTS publications and at all the meetings.
Nathan Natas
A good JW will not smoke. If a JW is seen smoking, he can be disfellowshipped (excommunicated) from the congregation.
JWs have no restrictions about consumption of alcohol or about morbid obesity, so you can find JWs who are alcoholics, and JWs who buy Jared's (of SUBWAY fame) old pants at the discount used clothing store.
JWs believe that items bought at garage sales can have demons attached to them.
The men get very, very short haircuts 4 times a year (2 Circuit Overseers visits, Memorial, 2 Assemblies, 1 DC).
There is only 1 place for sex=in your bed=only if your married=only 1 position=missionary(sp)
which all equals very boring IMO
Seriously, the identiy creating methodology is by repeted statement of their set of doctrins that they are God's chosen people, that they are "apart" from the world, that their unique status is through the FDS and that weekly indoctrination is on-going. Any "independent" thinking is verboten and grounds for being "marked" or worse yet, cast out of the fold via spiritual banishment (ie disfellowshipping) and this is re-inforced by the fear of dieing at Armegeddon drummed into them from the time they are sucklings until they die. It is relentless, subtle, blatant and hypnotic!
Actually JWs DO have restrictions on alcohol..you can drink if you are of age, but you should never get drunk. There are just a lot of alcoholics that DONT get drunk.....(Ive seen them, they do exist!)