New Theocratic Ministry School

by DB 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster
    Cool off!!!!

    How do you think they got hard?

    Joelbear, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!

  • Outaservice

    We always referred to it as the 'Misery School'!

    I was always counseled on 'Sense Stress'. I guess that was because most of the talks caused me a lot of 'stress' and didn't make any 'sense'!

    There were so many 'W's on my counsel slip it looked like a mountain range.

    I really don't think they should change the format after almost 60 years of proven success. How do you think all us 'apostates' became so well trained!

    Outaservice (but still counting my time)



    Revamping the school hey????

    No more coounsel slips

    No more written reviews....WOW

    Maybe now they will realize that the sisters have been TEACHING all along and they will finally just let them give their talks from the podium. Then new light will finaly emminate!!!! lol lol lol



    JUSTAMOM (Kim)

  • AGuest

    Dearest FredHall...

    Please forgive me for asking but... what could a 288-page high-tech book contain to teach you how to 'preach the good news' that holy spirit does not? What 'high-tech' book did the first century christians have? The prophets? Noah?

    Really... I don't GET it. Have you not heard that 'out of the HEART'S... ABUNDANCE... the mouth speaks? Is this book designed to put something in the hearts of your friends... that is not already there? Do you really think such a book can do that? I mean, if the Bible and a jillion other magazines and publications hasn't done it by now... can you explain to me how THIS book can do it? Is it 'inspired'? Then what 'spirit' does it possess to be able to do what all the others have not done?

    (Shaking head) Fred... I have to admire your loyalty... but you are STILL being misled. Your loyalty is displaced... and yet, you LOVE it that way. Thus, continue giving his 'portion' to the king that you WISH to have over you. But know that such reverence adds up to rejection of the TRUE king, the One 'appointed' by GOD... and NOT by 'earthling' man and its 'GB'.

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ (Oh, and I'm allergic to cats... so SCAT!)

  • larc

    Hi All,

    Looking through some old papers, I found some old speech counsel sheets from 1961. I am going to summarize my strengths and weakness. I was good on composition. I was rated good on rousing interest, appropriate length of introduction, body, and conclusion, and use of outline. As far as delivery goes, I was rated good on confidence and poise, conversational quality, gestures and fluency. I was rated weak on timing, enthusiasm, volume, modulation, and voice quality. After I left, I went on to teach college. It astounded me to find out that my strengths and weaknesses had not changed over a life time. My ratings from college students put me above average. I was rated uniformly high on knowledge, but rated differently on delivery. Some students loved my low keyed conversational manner; some students at the other extreme thought I was too casual and disorganized. Interesting.

  • ozziepost

    See, larc,

    We always knew you were well-qualified for the Jedi class


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

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