Which is worse: Going in Service or Having a Meeting on a Holiday?

by Room 215 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Field service on a holiday is the worst. I hated it as a kid. When I was old enough to make my own field service schedule, holidays were out. I got some flack from a couple of the over-zealous elders but I didn't budge on that one.

    Meetings on holidays were bad too. All day goofing off or enjoying some activity only to have to plan ahead to get cleaned up and go to the hall. Ugh. The worst was Thanksgiving. Watching the Dallas Cowboys is more of a religious experience to me than going to the KH. Our parents always made us leave for the hall even when there was only a couple of minutes left. Even before I had doubts and started fading, I quit going to meetings on Thanksgiving.

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Service Our hall use to have the feild service meetings a little later in order not to distrurb any householders, ha! try not going to their door in the first place.

    I did all the holidays, one time or another, I would say there was less success.

  • waiting

    Occasionally I went out in service on holidays. I hated it, just stopped going. Too stressful, shameful & embarrassing. I NEVER took my kids.....just too hard to see their eyes lusting after the toys.

    AND THE SMELLS OF TURKEY COOKING! Oh Lord, that was just too hard for us!

    Meetings? Yeah, I went and I HATED TO GO TO MEETINGS ON HOLIDAYS! But I was a runt....and knew the nice sisters/brothers judged and talked about those who didn't show up. "Spiritually weak" as opposed to those spiritually strong who showed up and hated it.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Hi y'all!

    My own personal policy (I have many of those) is that neither go out on service, nor do I attend a meeting that falls on a holiday. Oh, just my own little rebelious thing going on for a few years now.

    There's usually pretty neat specials on TV on those days; plus, people really don't want to be bothered on those days.

    What usually happens on holidays is that all of us 'spiritually weak' ones gather together in someone's house with the food, drinks, movies etc. The only thing missing is the decorations really.


  • amen

    I remember in my hall for january first the elders schedulded me to take the group at night. For all my times as a witness i never went out on services during christmas holidays. I always think that it was a showdown by the witnesses to show they are holier than the rest of christianity, there actions are proof of that by preaching on those particular days.

    Only one show up i was a little sad when the sister show up. I wanted to go home so I decided to do one hour and stop after that. I could not stop thinking while i am braving the cold with the sister all the other elders are home with their famillies in the warmth.

    How free i am now? This will not repeat again.


  • morty

    Service was for me.I hated having to see all my friends when out on service....We lived in a very small town that had less then 2600 people in it, so I knew everyone....Nothing like going to a high school reunion and that is all they remember about you, how you desturbed their x-mas dinner...

  • ChileanRick
  • ChileanRick

    Both activities in those days are horrible. I prefer to be at home with my family and enjoy good moments.

  • SpunkyChick

    Going out in service.

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