at those among earthling man who say they know God, or know Christ, or possess holy spirit... and yet, deny the very RIGHT of that spirit to teach them ALL things... and continue searching, researching, reading and rereading... the Bible... the scriptures... the false stylus of the secretaries... the miscopyings of scribes... etc., etc., etc.
Why do you continue to make knowing God so DIFFICULT for yourselves?
Do you not know... have you not heard... have you not READ... that to know the SON... is to know the Father? That you cannot come TO the Father... without going THROUGH the Son?
Why do you continue to take the "broad and spacious" road... rather than simply enter through the "narrow gate"... the DOOR... that is Christ?
The WAY... that is Christ... is OPEN... dear ones - GO THROUGH HIM... and HE will teach you all things!
You will no longer need to ponder. You will no longer need to speculate. You will no longer need to debate. Why? Because... YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH!! And that TRUTH... the SON... will SET YOU FREE!!
And yet, the Spirit says to me now... just as I am writing... that you search... and research... and debate... and speculate... and contend... on matters such as these... because you WANT to - you are "loving" it!
It would just be too simple... to easy... to live... by means of FAITH... faith in what you HEAR... from the Son of God... faith that you RECEIVE from the Son of God... the "life-giving" spirit... who is the HOLY SPIRIT that was first sent in the flesh... and now is "with" us... all the days... as a SPIRIT. He is a spirit and so it is to YOUR spirit... that he speaks! Hear HIM... and you will know all that your heart is questioning...
Or... continue on... contending, debating, inflicting upon yourselves unnecessary confusion. It will be as you wish... whatever it is you wish: to be free... or continue enslaved.
Dear ones... in our fleshly endeavors to be "right"... we will almost certainly be wrong. Because we keep trying to explain by means of flesh and things that are fleshly... including what is written... that which is of the spirit. If, then, you truly want to know the things of the spirit... then it is with your spirit that you must get to know them. For such things are foolishness to the physical man... and, thus, he CANNOT get to know them.
1 Corinthians 2:11-4
If then, you are still "searching"... it is because you have not yet been "found" by the Christ... nor have you found him. For if you had been found... and you had found him... you would have become ONE SPIRIT with him... and by means of such... come to know HIS mind. For by means of God's spirit, HIS spirit... would "bear witness" with YOUR spirit. By means of knowing HIS mind, then... you would know the truth... regarding ALL of the things written. For all of them... bear witness about him.
1 Corinthians 2:16; John 5:39
You have not yet found him... because you keep "searching" for him... in places where he is not. The Jews were told from where he would appear... and those who put faith in that... "saw" him... and found him. And thus, they were found BY him.
We, too, have been told "where" he will appear: IN us. The Daystar is to rise... IN OUR HEARTS! But... because such is not a physical manifestation... one that can be discerned by our physical eyes and ears... and those of others... we deny this truth: we lack the FAITH... that is necessary to make it so.
God... is a SPIRIT. Christ... is a SPIRIT. And thus, they must be WORSHIPPED... in SPIRIT.
Your flesh can only worship according to the Law Covenant, which Covenant was given FOR THE FLESH. But that Law, that Covenant... was removed by our Lord... impaled with HIS flesh... so as to make a way for a NEW Covenant... one binding NOT the flesh... but the SPIRIT.
And what is the spirit? It is the "man" you are... INSIDE... in your HEART! Not the one you present to your family. Not the one you present to your neighbors and co-workers. That "man"... "hides" the TRUE man that you are... inside. But such true "man" is NOT hidden from God... nor is it hidden from Christ. For that is the "man" that you TRULY are... the one you don't want most people to know and see. He is the "man" that your flesh HIDES... the one in control of your TRUE heart.
It is with THIS man that you must worship God; it is with HIS "eyes" and "ears" that you must see and hear... and it is with his open heart... that you must approach... through the Son.
There is... no other Way.
If, then, you consider yourself a part of that New Covenant... then STOP trying to fulfill it with your flesh. STOP trying to honor it with your flesh. STOP trying to hear its "laws"... with your flesh. Learn, then, to fulfill it... honor it... and HEAR it... by means of your SPIRIT. For it is a law, NOT for the physical man... but for the SPIRIT man. (And no, this does not mean the "spiritual" man that is pious, religious, or "faithful" as religion states it is; rather, it is the man that is "spiritual" by means of having be "regenerated" by means of God's spirit, holy spirit, awaiting a BIRTH... as a spirit being. The "seed"... of the Woman, Jerusalem Above, and her husbandly owner, JAH of Armies... through Christ... as part of the child that Christ and His Body... will become.)
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the MOST Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the peace... and spirit... of His Son and Christ, my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... if you so wish it.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with them... and a slave of Christ,