If a baptist minister.....knocked on the door of a Kingdom Hall on "Memorial" night, and said...."Good evening, I know your probably busy at this time so i'll be breif. Since many celebrate the 'Lord death' at this time of the year, many wonder how many true christians should actually partake of the emblems that are passed around? We would like to offer you a pamphlet to read when you have time, and come back when it's convienent and discuss this further" .....( offers them a pamphlet)
Is this any different than two dubs walking up to a door decorated with wreaths, and christmas lights hanging off the eves, and many cars around from visiting relatives,....to knock on a door on christmas morning at 10am. and say to the person opening the door to a room full of people...."Good morning, i'm know your probably busy right now and so i'll be brief. We know this is a time of year when people are celebrating the birth of christ and we were asking people a question..........and that is.......Does Christmas truely have have gods blessing? We are offering our latest issue of our Watchtower and Awake magazines, and the Awake has an article that discusses this subject. (Takes finger and points at article) Perhaps at a more convienent time I can come back and we can discuss this further"? ( offers magazines)
So.....is there a difference?