It’s a three for one deal. About 10 years ago they merged 3 struggling rural congregations into one in the largest town. At the time there were about 75 publishers. We went last week to the Sunday meeting and there were about 30 attending. The old timers are slowly dying off and the young ones aren’t stepping up to the plate
I went to a meeting at my old congregation last weekend
by hoser 15 Replies latest jw friends
Making the elderly ones that's left drive much further?
Goes to to show you hav'nt missed much
The old timers are slowly dying off and the young ones aren’t stepping up to the plate.
Yep I can see this happening, the fever of the religion is slowly dying down.
Well I guess it should since this organization was built upon the exploitation of ignorance and manipulation by a corrupt publishing house, the WTS Corporation.
Are you serious
That's awesome!!!
And those 30 will still believe that there is a lot of interest out there.
Surely the oldies can see the writing is on the wall.
Deceiving and corrupt self supporting propaganda can only last for so long.
You can only fool people some of the time but you cant fool them all of the time.
Good news, indeed! Feel sorry for the elderly that can't let go and are driving farther and hanging on.
JW GoneBad
We went last week to the Sunday meeting and there were about 30 attending.
As the ole saying goes...numbers don't lie!
I went to a Special Assembly Day (SAD) a couple years back in California and there were 6 children baptized (no outsiders baptized)... total attendance was 1,450. I went last year to another circuit assembly that had an attendance of about 1,400 with only 5 children baptized (again not outsiders baptized).
So yah...numbers don't lie...this bitch of an organization is hurting...Yay!