our tree

by Mulan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Here is a photo of our tree. I have added a Santa hat tree topper, and a few gingerbread people, but this is basically how it looks.

  • smurfy

    It's beautiful!! We will have to try and get a pic of ours up sometime tonight!!!

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

  • shera

    Beautiful.Looks huge!

  • ChimChim

    aww thats beautiful!!!!!!! Looks huge musta took you awhile to decorate


  • Joker10

    Good looking tree you have there. Where are the angels and the satanic star?

  • Satanus

    Wow! That is the mother of christmas trees.


    Don't need no demons, the whole thing is satanic. Don't you remember?


  • Mulan

    It's only 7 feet tall, and narrow. It must be the camera angle. I don't think it is terribly big. I've seen much bigger, in houses with vaulted ceilings.

    It's our first real full sized tree. I've been collecting ornaments for 3 years in preparation, so it is fully ornamented, but the back side is kind of bare, since it's in the corner.

  • waiting

    Quite the well-dressed Christmas Tree!

    The gifts add to the sparkle & shine too. Last year was my first attempt. My little tree was lovely....but just didn't have the *umph.* Couldn't figure it out. I was looking in a magazine and "Duh!" - no presents wrapped prettily under the tree! Mine were stacked neatly in the bedroom.

    Got the things out & under tree and voila! Umph!

    Btw, what's your mom think about your tree?

    Merry Christmas to your family!


  • Mulan

    Mom hasn't seen it. She went into the hospital six weeks ago, and then rehab. Last weekend we moved her to assisted living. She is happy as a lark. She wanted me to get some of the "brothers" to help with the move, and I said "do you really want them at our house, looking at all our Christmas stuff." She just grinned and said "I don't think so."

    I think she would love the tree though. Last year she said if she still celebrated Christmas she would have "a great big tree and put it in the front window." I could hardly believe my ears.

  • shotgun

    Looks great....wishing you all the best.

    I'll take that big red gift box under the tree.

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