New craze in Nova Scotia this year..TURDUCKIN..
by Special K 21 Replies latest jw friends
Special K
Yes the new craze this year in Nova Scotia .. is a Christmas Turduckin.
A Turkey stuffed with a duck then stuffed with a chicken and two kinds of stuffing to boot.
Is is something any of you have eaten?
Newpaper says it's origin is from down in Louisiana.. but curious if is served in England or anywhere else..
Special K
I had one last Thanksgiving at a friends house....very tasty!
Whew, i was thinking southpark from the title.
I've never had it but here's the news article I think you're talking about.
At first, I thought this was going to be a thread about ducking turds that are being thrown at you.
Special K
Xena... Well, now I kind of know one person who ate it .. and thought it was good...
I'd really like to try it..
SS.. Sorry, I have never watched South Park.. so don't get the connection . but obviously you did.
Smyler.. Oh.. thanks so much Techno-guy for posting that. and yes, that is the article I read. Plus it's on the radio all the time as well.. C100 which I know you get. Turduckin, Turduckin, Turduckin.
Nosfertu.. I had a real good laugh at that one. duck turds.. Hmm .. haha. I must ask my husband (a former duck hunter, and my brother (another former duck hunter).. and duck
Special K
Sounds nice !!
Stuffing is my favourite ... I'd eat a whole plateful (I do if we have it 'cause Angharad hate's it)
Turd-ducking would be WAY more fun.
Frannie Banannie
LOL, SpecialK! Dat ol' Turducken is fom down here in da land o' bayous, bottom-feedin' catfish, Jolie Blanc (pronounced "blawhn" wid a sof "n"), an' mudbugs (crawfish) ettouffee and Gumbo an' da Fay-do-do, cher (pronounced "shahn" wid a sof "n")....where Mamas write letters to they chillens, tellin' 'em da wind's been blowin' so hard the chicken laid da same egg three times an' dat dey woulda sent 'em 5 dollah but dey done lick de envelope....heheheheh
Frannie B