I think we need to turn to the WTBTS for their wisdom on this issue of Vaccines.
“Vaccination never prevented anything and never will and is the most barbarous practice......We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold.........Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination (which) has never prevented smallpox any more then serum injection has prevented typhoid.........” Golden-Age Oct 12 1921
“It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs.” Golden-Age Jan 16 1924
I'll conclude with this advice on how to prevent colds. Maybe this would work on measles.
“Air baths are good for preventing colds. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while.” Golden-Age Feb 1926 pg 310The Golden-Age became the Awake