Please vaccinate your children

by Viviane 68 Replies latest social family

  • Giordano

    I think we need to turn to the WTBTS for their wisdom on this issue of Vaccines.

    “Vaccination never prevented anything and never will and is the most barbarous practice......We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold.........Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination (which) has never prevented smallpox any more then serum injection has prevented typhoid.........” Golden-Age Oct 12 1921 

    “It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs.” Golden-Age Jan 16 1924

    I'll conclude with this advice on how to prevent colds. Maybe this would work on measles. 

    “Air baths are good for preventing colds. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while.” Golden-Age Feb 1926 pg 310
    The Golden-Age became the Awake

  • enigma1863

    Someone who unbelievably is a nurse posted this link on FB:

    What this article fails to mention is according to there were over 145000 measles deaths globally in 2013.

  • JWdaughter

    My husband was a victim of not being vaccinated. When he was about 3, smallpox ripped through his village and when he was five, it did so again. The first time he and his older brother caught it. The older brother died. The second time, his sister caught it. Both my husband and his sister have horrible scars from this disease. My husband has breathing problems related to the scarring. He was infertile and the high fever for a long time likely has something to do with that.  Vaccination was an option for more elightened people than his parents were, just as it is an option for everyone reading this. People do still get smallpox and the scarring is no less heinous because we live in the west or have good antibiotics.

    All of my kids have had all their shots, they all  were in the gifted program at school, two attended college (one has graduated so far) and the youngest is in the AP classes in high school.  There is/was no autism or behavior issues beyond pretty mild teenage stuff. I don't know of anyone in my circle of friends acquaintances that have any of these issues that can be related to immunizations, though I know some that have had ill babies when they used drugs or alchohol. Avoid the stupid things, but please don't fail to get your kids immunized. 

  • Viviane
    But in the March 2011 edition of the Awake they vaccinations can help and that soap and water was a do-it-yourself vaccine. What am I supposed to believe?
  • Mickey mouse
  • Viviane
    What this article fails to mention is according to there were over 145000 measles deaths globally in 2013.

    It also fails to mention that, prior to vaccination, there were several hundred measles deaths per year. So, over a 10 year period, 108 deaths vs. at LEAST 2000 in the same period. The measles vaccine reduces death by a factor of 20x.

  • enigma1863
    108 deaths

    That's less than the number of people that die from food allergies every year.

    Its like if they said people are allergic to peanut butter and die if they eat it so lets ban eating peanut butter, but much worse.

  • Simon

    All these people that are suddenly so concerned of risks to their children are probably the same ones that feed their kids hormone infused beef burgers and corn-syrup laced drinks.

    It seems more like anti-government paranoia and qwackery than genuine concern for health and well-being of infants.

    The evidence is clear and overwhelming that vaccines are beneficial and save numerous lives as well as saving many from horrible afflictions.

  • Viviane
    The evidence is clear and overwhelming that vaccines are beneficial and save numerous lives as well as saving many from horrible afflictions.

    Well said, Simon. The simple fact of the matter is that vaccinations work. I will repeat that for emphasis.


    They save AT LEAST 20x the amount of people that have adverse reactions from measles related death alone without even discussing debilitating after effects. No more iron lungs or wheel chairs for children, no more smallpox, sterilization or scarring, no more pertussis, mumps, rubella, shingles, brain damage or other infectious diseases. 

    I would go so far as to say it's not even numerous, it's innumerable. It's millions, at least, lives helped that we are talking about. More likely billions since vaccinations were introduced in a widespread fashion in the 50's.

    Vaccinations work. Not getting your children vaccinated is willfully ignorant and risking lives. 

  • Simon

    Non vaccinated people should be required to have "disease carrier" tattooed across their face and be banned from the schools, theaters, flights, amusement parks, shops, restaurants and public transit that the rest of us use after choosing to make the social contract to contribute to the protection of the vulnerable through vaccination.

    Yes, exaggerated for dramatic effect, but I can see a time coming where companies could chose to limit who comes through their gate based on vaccination status. If I was Disneyland I would - I wonder how much money they have already lost because of reduced attendance? How much more will it cost society in lost productivity, reduced education etc...

    Really, it is tantamount to criminal negligence if you chose to believe stupid claims for which there are no factual evidence and that contributes to the death and disablement of a baby or small child.

    There were two girls in the street I grew up in who were death due to measles. I remember playing out with them but they never joined in as much as the other kids did. I wonder what happened to them and what challenges they will face through their entire lives, what enjoyable things such as music that they never get to enjoy. It's just so unfair risking anyone else's well-being simply because someone is too stupid to look at the real facts.

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