Here's what I have from Sunday afternoon.
Talk "Who Are Teaching All The Nations the Truth?"
An observer who went to services at a number of different religious groups said, "Only JWs believe they have found the truth."
Can truth be found. Many do not believe so, instead they believe in "relative truth". What may be true for one person may be much different for another, and both can be right.
Pontius Pilate asked, "What is truth?" Jesus spoke about truth. Did this mean truth in general or something else?
How can one get to know the truth?
Socrates said, "All I really know is that I know nothing." However the Psalmist David was never at a loss for truth. He spoke many times about God's truth.
When Jesus spoke of truth, it was about truth based on Jehovah's purpose, will, and fulfillment, about God's kingdom and his king.
The rest of the talk simply went over the most basic elementary belief of Jws, such as no trinity, no immortal soul, meet together, no religious titles, baptism of those of age enough to understand and by immersion, no holidays, financed by voluntary offerings, maintaining fine conduct. ( I guess the so-called Public Talk is supposed to be of more general info than the rest, but this had so little of interest in it, it was pitiful.)
A suggestion for your home Watchtower studies: Have your children prepare reports on various subjects such as certain animals or things in nature, and present these at the study. This builds knowledge and appreciation for Jehovah and his creation. ( Won't the kiddies just love this!)
Final talk by Ted Jaracz: Urgently Fulfilling Our Teaching Commission
We are increasing our pace as we near the end. Reduced time after 1914 has really narrowed down to the present, and we do not have an indefinite time to finish the work.
Many people have distorted thinking shaped by educations of the world. They put forth ideas but cannot come to any conclusion about right and wrong.
The Bible and full use of organizational provisions make us "completely equipped for every good work".
(Even though the quoted scripture 2 Tim.3:16-17 refers only to the scriptures themselves, his remarks made it clear that organizational provision is also needed.)
Jehovah knows how to deal with those who have a rebellious spirit, so it is much better if we submit willingly and happily.
In our publications, we do not mince words in exposing wrongdoing, hypocrisy, and religious error in Babylon.
(What about when those issues hit a little closer to home?)
Do not be turned aside to false stories, false teachings based on higher learning, philosophies, or even fantasies.
We are firmly rooted in the truth, and we will not be turned aside by reasonings of apostates or diverse philosophies of men.
End of Sunday
45 were baptized at this convention.
I was very curious about the new parking arrangement. No advance permits or tickets are purchased, but it was announced at the KH and each day at the conv. that the driver's wearing of a convention badge would serve as identification to get into the parking areas. Also announced was the admonition to remember that there was considerable expense involved in the society's providing this parking facility for us. (So don't forget to pay for it on your way out!)
I asked my son what would happen if interested persons came to park without the proper identification, as these conventions are open to the public. He offered several possibilities, such as they would have to park out on the street, (which I reminded him was announced as a high crime area in the conv. announcements each day.), but when he said, the ID procedure was maybe to control access in case maybe the apostates would try to come in and take up all the parking spaces, I thought I would die. I said that would take an awful lot of cars!
Sunday evening as we were leaving, I asked one of the brothers in the parking dept. about what woud happen with no ID. He said basically nothing, as it was a donation basis now. So why the explicit instructions about wearing the ID tags? It seems to me to be another control mechanism. A procedure is instituted for witnesses to follow to make them feel they are being loyal and in compliance with society direction. It really got under my skin!
PS. messenger, I just read your post. ROFL