Libya to give up WMD!!

by imallgrowedup 44 Replies latest social current

  • imallgrowedup

    Breaking news! Libya has voluntarily decided to dismantle their WMD program! I guess the Iraq war and the subsequent capture of Saddam is having a ripple effect!

    excerpt from this link:

    The North African country's foreign ministry said in a statement that Libya "had decided on its free will to... completely eliminate the internationally banned weapons of mass destruction." The statement said the agreement was reached after meetings with "experts" from Britain and the United States.


  • Simon

    Libya has been moving toward rejoining the international community for some time - hence the preceeding efforts they made to settle the Lockerbie damages etc... I think this is just another step along that road.

  • imallgrowedup

    I think you are right, Simon. According to the news broadcast when I first heard of this, the negotiations on this started 9 months ago with Tony Blair. However, the timing on his decision to disarm has interesting timing. Just a few days after finding Saddam.....


  • lastcall

    It is nice to hear some good news for a change. Lybia..whodathought.


  • Elsewhere

    The rouge states are starting to learn that WMD is bad for business.

    If you want to trade with others and do business to raise your standard of living, you have to play nice.

  • czarofmischief

    Qadaffi has been keeping a low profile after his near death experience a while back when his plane crashed in the desert. I wonder if he had a religious experience.


  • imallgrowedup

    Czar -

    I wonder if he had a religious experience.

    I've never heard the coalition described in quite that way! But I'm willing to bet that once he saw what happened to Saddam, he went and had himself his own personal "Come to Jesus!" experience! Sure hope N Korea and Iran do the same!



  • Satanus

    If the arab countries go that route, then israel would need to find new excuses to keeps own womd.


  • bebu

    I remember a loooong time back when Qadaffi lost an adopted 5-year old daughter in a bomb to the family tent. (Can't remember the exact fight details.) He changed overnight from the swaggering, taunting dictator to a deeply grieving dad... it changed his demeanor considerably--he toned down a LOT.

    I was very sorry for him, actually--that is a hard loss for anyone. We (and he) discovered he was human...


  • Simon

    That's the thing - I think they will do all they can to infer that this is a benefit form the war in Iraq "Look, we didn't get Saddam's alleged WMD but we got Gadaffi's" but this was already in progress.

    Also, from what I heard of the announcement this wasn't actual WoMD but agreement to stop WoMD programmes. A slightly different thing.

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