Ok, I just redid my web site...tell me what you think. http://www.lifeindigital.net
Also, there is a guinea pig (cavy) cam on it. Go to fun then cavy cam. It refreshes every 30 seconds. Those are my babies!
hey check this out
by jwbot 14 Replies latest jw friends
lmao...I could see the brown and white one...very cute
Winston Smith :>D
Wow, great job on the site.
Usually when people ask for crits on their site, I have to reserve myeslf a bit because it's unprofessional and hard to nav around in.
Your's is top-notch!
Easy to nav, looks great, minimal; yet plenty of content that is of interest.Great photography BTW.
Where's your new pup? He's [she?] so cute!!!
Wow! I am very impressed with your website!
Hey, thanks all! I worked hard on it and wanted to make it more easy to update than my last one...the last one was really nice looking but so hard to keep up with. I appreciate the compliments. And Winston, I know exactly what you are talking about, so your compliment was especially nice to me.
Very nice site! Wish I had the time and knowledge to do something like that! Loved the landscapes!!
Great eye, JWbot. I liked your previous site as well.
And I say that in spite of hating with a godly hatred that diagonal line background on your first page.
no pinstriping, eh? It took me like an hour to get that seamless! hehe
Lady Lee
very nicely done. I like the layout - clean and simple
awesome photos - had hubby go take a look too
Lady Lee, hope you and your hubby liked...I am so very amature when it comes to my photography, but maybe you noticed, all the ones that are later get noticably better. That makes me feel like I am at least getting somewhere..