I sent the CO a Christmas Card and asked him how his golf game was going. Most all the CO's and DO's I knew lived for Mondays so they could go play golf! I also mentioned how sorry I was for him, even if he KNEW what he was promoting was a lie, he was stuck pushing the WTS policies. He has no marketable skills, no social sercurity, no pension, not even his own house or car. Everything is provided by the WTS. If he woke up and left, he leaves with NOTHING! He's trapped!
I used to give my little girl $20 to hand to the CO. I am sure other did this too! This guy is a corporate inspector and though some of these guy can be very warm and friendly, never doubt that if they could burn "heretics" at the stake, he would be the first to toss a torch on you if you crossed the WTS! Maverick