Why I'm not around much now

by dmouse 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    I left home a few weeks ago and my wife is filing for divorce, and now don't have easy access to a computer, see this thread for an insight:


    I wish all a happy Christmas and will try and contact the board again sometime during the hols,

    Best wishes Dean.

  • avengers

    Best wishes to you too dude.

    Stick with it. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


  • Dansk

    Hi Dean,

    If you can, have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and we wish you a much better NEW YEAR.

    If you need a chat over the holidays, pm or e-mail me and I'll give you my 'phone number.

    Best wishes,

    Ian, Claire & Boys

  • Scully

    (((( Dean ))))

    Wishing things could be better for you...

    Love, Scully

  • Simon

    Sorry to hear that dmouse ... hope the new year brings sunnier skies for you.

  • blondie

    May things go well, dmouse.


  • Xena

    I am sorry to hear about your situation, seperation and divorce are never easy especially when there are children involved.

    This board and the members on it were a big help to me when I was going thru some bad times...lol even though they may not have been aware of it. It a good place just to "be" you know? So I hope you can find the time and resources to continue to pop in!

    Best Wishes!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hang in there dmouse. Sometimes you've got to clear some underbrush to have a garden. Here's hoping 2004 will be a better, happier year for you.

  • frenchbabyface

    I'm sorry ... (((Dmouse)
    hope things will turn for the best for you
    Wish as nice hollidays as possible.

  • patio34


    Things have to get worse before they get better, it seems, but I'm hoping you're on the upswing of it now. Here's wishing all the best for you and most of all, a peaceful life. -------------->for your mind


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