Have you ever been dobbed in, and for what??????????

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 29 Replies latest jw experiences


    Today was a good day. Saturday, no witnessing, no meeting prep, no skirt and no dubs, no rush to do anything in particular, went to the mall to get some things, bumped into my brother (non dub) and his partner and my 3yo neice, had coffee with them and hubby, chatted, came home, Kelpie dropped by to visit, went grocery shopping with my neighbour, ......................just to mention a few things. Doing what I wanted to do!

    I was saying to hubby how nice it is that my youngest has friends that he stays overnight at, and they stay here. We remembered how hard it was to keep my older 2 kids at the same age from mixing with 'worldly' kids. How ridiculous was that? And then we started to remember how many problems we had because of my kids being around dub kids. You know the kind of situation?

    • The spiritual family's kid comes to play with your kid and sees the video of 'Casper' and 'Ghost' in your collection.
    • You are making dinner and elder X's kid is there when you drop the gravy down the sink and you automatically say, 'oh shit'
    • Your rebellious teenager puts on a cd with obscene language when you have a pioneer couple drop in to visit.
    • When a condom is found in the contribution box the elders automatically think it's one of your kids because you laugh when you hear about it.
    • Your kid goes to stay at bro. and sis. X place and says he doesn't have to do the WT pre-study because the footy is on and we always watch it.
    • Who's kids are responsible for the toilet paper on the KH toilet ceiling????????? And your kid laughs.
    • Allowing your daughter to wear make up sooooooooooo young.
    • 'OMG'..........you let her go to the school dance???????
    • Your kid tells the bro. he's out witnessing with that he's allowed to stay at a worldly friends house tonight.

    The next thing is you get a visit from the elders, just to have a chat and try to correct our family's problems.

    I can remember feeling sick in the stomach when my kids went to a dub's home because there was always a do-gooder who would feel compelled to report ANYTHING that sounded unscriptural!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How pathetic.

    But now things are so much better. My kids hang with whoever THEY get on with and want to, not a bunch of dobbers whom they only happen to know because their mother made the mistake of becoming a JW. Life is much less complicated out of the borg, less stressful too! Even more honest because we don't have to put anything on, we are who we are.

    Do any of you have horror dobbing experiences?????????? For what have you been dragged over the hot coals for???????? And who dobbed you in?????????? Or who of you has ever been the dobber???????? I have on occassionand feel sorry I ever played their stupid game.

    Anyhow..............I look forward to your replies.

    Cheers, Bliss

    And a merry Xmas to all my special friends here on JWD XXXXXX

  • DanTheMan

    Not sure what you mean by "dobbed in".

    One of the gossipy controversies at my old congo was which parents let their kids watch "The Simpsons".

  • Gadget

    I've only ever been dobbed in twice, once when I was at school for swearing so much, and once for fornicating.... A lot of people knew all the things that I'd got up to, choice of music, partying, etc, but everybody just accepted that as me and left me to it. I only ever dobbed one person in, but not to the elders, to my friends. Thehad a big problem with 2 brothers who were using drugs, and was being vocal in what he thought about them doing that. I pointed out to him that the person who was selling them the drugs was another jw friend of his who was trying to date my friends sister in law..........

  • CruithneLaLuna

    My elder friends (and I considered most of the elders my friends) said that I was good at telling on myself. I was counseled on several occasions for things like my hairstyle, spreading gossip and rumor (ouch - they were right about that one, and I learned a lesson, I think and definitely hope). Theone area in which I had what might be called persistent problems was music. I always viewed it (the music I was attracted to, anyway, not necessarily YOUR music [LOL]) as "art," and therefore somehow - except in obviously extreme cases - above petty moralizing.

    The wife of a prominent elder and I had a discussion about music, in which she expressed her taste for "beautiful classical music," including religiously-oriented pieces; I recall Handel's Messiah being explicitly mentioned. She said that one might "forget about" the "false religious" connections in order to enjoy such pieces. However, a lot of folks had difficulty forgetting about the various interesting connections that the music I enjoyed had. I liked "world music" long before it became popular. In general, the music to which I was attracted was almost all on the Society's and my fellow Dubs' shit list. A few examples:

    Classical music: Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring; Moussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain (pieces inspired by Paganism and witchcraft)

    Indian classical music (Ravi Shankar and the like) - philosophical rooted in, and inseparable from, Hinduism

    Harry Partch - an iconoclastic American composer, whose pieces were based on myths, ancient Greek drama, and generally very Pagan themes. Also, his music sounds, literally, like it came from another planet or dimension; I can understand "the average person" finding it very off-putting. One brother for whom I played it closed his eyes and screwed up his face. I stopped the music and asked what he was doing. He said, "Praying."

    The Mahavishnu Orchestra, a jazz/rock/Indian fusion band of the 70s, that centered around the technical pyrotechnics of the lead guitarist, who broke new ground musically, was elected "guitarist of the year" by Guitar Player magazine's readers two or three years in a row, and foreshadowed current players like Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, and Steve Vai.

    The Mahavishnu Orchestra and Harry Partch were characterized by one dub, who expressed his opinions behind my back, as "demonistic, Hinduistic and Buddhistic."

    I wonder what the "brothers" would have to say about my current interest in Arabic (Muslim) and Sufi music.

    I have never had much tolerance for abusive lyrics, which have become more prevalent, esp. (to my perception) in rap and related genres.

    That's my story.

    Cruithne, he of eclectic / artistic tastes

  • Sentinel

    "dobbing" is a new terminology for me. Sounds like another word for "tattle-tales"?

    Not being able to feel comfortable around those who are supposed to be your "brothers and sisters in faith" is an awful experience. Supposedly, we were able to listen to our own conscience about things, but it was quite difficult to know whether it was your own conscience nudging you about something, or a deeply embedded JW rule.

    There was always someone around watching and keeping tabs, so I always tried to be the good little robot. It was very unsettling in those days to hear others talking down about a friend or acquaintance. That certainly was not "building up" or "encouraging" in the way they "outwardly" preached. It was back-stabbing in the worse way, and it hurt many people.


  • blondie


    Telling on someone when they have done something wrong

    Dob (somebody) in : inform on somebody. Hence dobber, a tell-tale

  • LuckyNun

    I tattled on a girl (see my first post) because it made me mad that she could be so condemning about other people and yet be getting away with all the stuff she was doing. I can't stand two-faced people. not people who are trying to 'do the fade', but people who condemn and act holier-than-thou but still try to get away with dating non-believers and whatnot. I'm not sorry I told on her. perhaps if she hadn't been so haughty and reminded me of the tattletalers I grew up with, I would've felt sorry for her and helped her along. I was told on all the time when I was a kid. I remember when people would call my mother and inform her who I walked to school with (meaning who I was walking ahead of or behind, as I was a loner at school because everyone teased me), who I stood by at the bus stop, and stupid stuff like that. I remember when my mother got a call that I was seen walking with two boys downtown not thirty minutes before, and they swore it was me, because the girl had very long strawberry-blonde hair and glasses. only I had cut my hair to shoulder-length the day before AND had been home babysitting my niece. or when a girl at school played a prank on me and sprayed me with perfume (Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson NAUSEATING stuff) and I was grilled for two hours that night by elders because my mom was convinced I had smoked cigarettes and sprayed perfume on myself to cover up the smell. when I complained about being falsely accused all the time, I was told that these people were well-meaning and had my future in mind, and they were Jehovah's way of bringing things to light. NO, THEY WERE A BUNCH OF ROTTEN GOSSIPS WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO.

  • Elsewhere
    When a condom is found in the contribution box the elders automatically think it's one of your kids because you laugh when you hear about it.


    That's it! I'm gonna make a visit to the KH!

  • Soledad

    I dont believe I was ever told on but people sure liked to spread rumors around. my mom would believe anything anyone would tell her about me. I remember myself telling on an elder's daughter several times (she was a real slut) but only because I hated how she could get away with anything.

    my mom was convinced I had smoked cigarettes and sprayed perfume on myself to cover up the smell.
    my mom would believe anything anyone would tell her about me.
    Not being able to feel comfortable around those who are supposed to be your "brothers and sisters in faith" is an awful experience. Supposedly

    Oh yes....................the borg really is a haven of love, peace, security, trust and of course honesty.....................NOT!

    Our family and friends are brain-washed into being informants for the borg and doubting their own.................

    ............................but ok, it's for the good of the individual, the congo and let's not forget Jehovah's name.

    I was told that these people were well-meaning and had my future in mind, and they were Jehovah's way of bringing things to light.

    But in reality.............................



    Cheers. Bliss


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