Do You Ever Wish That Hillary Was President?
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Beth Sarim
I am kind of mixed about it.
Clinton would have been a continuation of the hot mess started by other Criminals (George H. Bush) back in the day. A disruption was needed. That's also something I don't think people see, they see Trump and the knee-jerk tribal political environment and think he did it. This has been building since post-Reagan.
The lack of civility was started with the Republican revolution of 94 and Newt Gingrich and the subsequent attack on Bill Clinton, which the Democrats have decided since to reciprocate. So the GOP started the shit storm, but I have seen since, the left has pulled WAAAYYY off center, dangerously in my opinion. You can complain about Trump's bombastic tweets and banging porn stars, but there is currently one element in this country involved heavily in:
- Calls to actively harass the other tribe, to shadowban, punch, evict and fire all who don't think like you
- Censor Free speech
- Push a meaningless message/position ("resist", "impeach")
- Portray a large portion of middle America as sub-human
- Fight for equality of outcome vs opportunity
Obama campaigned as moderate, but this too was a lie, by the end he was advocating socialism. All the negative things you can say about Trump's personality, his win has shown are possessed just as equally by the democratic party leadership. They have not shown that they are actually on a higher moral level, they have just tried to respond by being MORE dishonest and MORE nasty than him. I don't want those people in office..
Trump has given the US steel, lumber and aerospace industry a blank check and passed the cost on to the US consumer and you are scared of socialism. lol
It's doesn't matter if a car costs 5000 more than it should or a house costs an extra 10 dollars a square foot to build, just as long as we don't have a single payer universal healthcare system because that infringes on free market principles. Socialism.
Now I feel extra special buying Chinese tires for my car. Not only did I save 400 dollars over the firestones, I pisses off Trump supporters.
Leaving aside her dodgy behaviour and policies - the email debacle, the destabilising of Libya, her defense of a rapist, the Clinton Foundation, etc. - her dodgy health should disqualify Clinton from the presidency.
She falls over/down stairs, has coughing fits, goes into mini-seizures when surprised by sudden noise, and zones out mid-speech, going into zombie mode.
Sure, Trump, an overweight septuagenarian with a fondness for junk food and p*ssy, isn't a picture of health. But at least Trump can navigate staircases and limousines unaided.
Hillary Clinton should be barred from high office on health grounds alone.
Here's an interesting vid about Hillary Clinton's health by a Dr Ted Noel ...
oh ffs
Obama was just an administer president. Really nothing but a public service who did his best with what he had to work with. Clinton would have been exactly the same. Who really cares about her private email server or how much money the Clinton Foundation has.
It's these Republican presidents that have to leave a legacy. First Bush wants bring democracy to the middle east now Trumps wants a trade war with the entire planet.
Please give me a lame duck next term before interest rates and inflation skyrocket.