Brother Outa, I am sending you some tulip bulbs, because I know they are sorely needed where you live. In exchange, please send me several lobsters, because they are rare where I live. I think that would be a fair trade.
What is Christmas to an Ex-JW?
by Amazing 23 Replies latest jw friends
I caught this post at freeminds and there was a statement made that Jesus did not command us to celebrate Christmas and he did not tell not to celebrate it. He did not mention it because there was no such Holiday at that time to celebrate his birth. Then December 25th was a holiday that they celebrated the winter solstice. It was not till much later when Christindom (did I spell that right) came in that it was changed over to a Holiday called Christmas. Personally myself as a Christian I celebrate the holiday as Christ birth even though he was not born on that day I choose to use it as that particular celebration. I do not believe that it is proper to tell my children that there is a Santa Claus as it would therefore be untrue and a lie unless I was to tell them that we are all the Santas in the world. But to each their own as to how they wish to celebrate it. I do not believe it is a sin to celebrate it as long as I were not getting drunk or using drugs or doing other things that could be considered sin. Paul wrote that we should not judge a man for what he considers a day special as long as that day is done in the Lord then it is not wrong and then should not be judged as so.
One thing I have noticed is that the Jehovahs Witnesses do is twist the scriptures around very badly and it really concerns me that so many people are not capable of reading and understand what they are reading in the bible. I have never been a JW but I know many and I have a problem understanding how so many people cannot understand on their own and how so many will allow others to control there thoughts and emotions. People must be weak in their minds or something and maybe some of you can help me understand this. I think it is sad, very sad. Well no matter how one celebrates Christmas I wish all those who do the best and a safe one as well.....God Bless
Its funny, but since I have not celebrated x-mass or Bds almost all my life, now I have no feelings about it, and do not feel a need nor desire to celebrate it at just does not move me. I can care less......I do, however, look forward to the rum-eggnog drinks that the holiday seasons bring...
Last Sunday I attended a 'Solstice' Dance at the Unitarian Universalist church. The dance was a celebration of the season, the impending return of the Sun to warmth and strength. There were probably 50 of us in the sanctuary of the church, with beautiful candles and pine boughs in the center of the room, also around the perimeter. We danced traditional folk circle dances by the light of the candles and to the tune of music from varous cultures. I remember the name of one tune, "Kyrie", performed by Robert Gass & Wings of Song (I have the CD, so recognized it). During this song, several women knelt in the center of the room, and held candles in their open palms while the rest of us slowly danced around them. I cannot describe how powerfully moving this event was, but it provided something which I never experienced at any function at the Kingdom Hall. This was my third Solstice Dance, and I hope to attend many more.
For me, I try to make it all about my family and friends That would be my REAL friends, you know, the ones that still talk to me!
I was a Witness for about 30 unhappy years, and though for most of those years I utterly believed "it" was the truth, I never agreed about birthdays, being a mother. I couldn't imagine anything (earthly) being more worthy of celebrating than the births of our children. I never did it, though. As far as Christmas, I still loved it for most of those 30 years of living a totally absurd Witness life, always loving Christmas songs and a lot of old standard hymns, too. Sang them to myself. Never got caught. And I always tried to be near the tree lots for the smell and atmosphere, and loved the lights on the trees. The Nativity scene always touched me, though my conscious mind always condemned it as "out of touch with who Jesus is NOW." What a joke! We called ourselves Christians, but very few of us really identified with being "Christians" - how could we? Jesus said his followers would be witnesses of Him, and instead, we backtrack thousands of years and take on the name that God Himself intentionally left out of the Christian Greek Scriptures!! Oh well; at least I know now why "Christianity" made me so unhappy - I was in an unchristian cult!
You got to admit that some of those satanic Christmas carols are pathetic and even scary.
satanic Christmas carols are pathetic and even scary.
Like what??...
Like "Noel" and "Silent Night"
hahahaha...sorry, stop laughing tyler..
Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born.
Silent night, holy night!
Son of God love's pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.I didn't know that something based in the bible was SO satanic..