((((( Yer)))))
Thanks for all you have done...I have family in the States and they are very thankful as well for what you have done...
Are you home for the Holidays? I really hope you are....
Merry Christmas
by Yerusalyim 27 Replies latest social current
((((( Yer)))))
Thanks for all you have done...I have family in the States and they are very thankful as well for what you have done...
Are you home for the Holidays? I really hope you are....
Merry Christmas
Yeru -
And well deserved, I might add! Congratulations! Our great country would not be who we are if it weren't for people like you! Thank you!
The cover in Canada will still have the soldiers on the front, but there will be a spread inside featuring the couple. This according to the Globe and Mail's website.
you are the person of the year.....only after you took the shower/bath Mike. LOL
Yeru, to you and all the people in today's military, I say thank you and congratulations. This is far different than when I was in and long overdue. Job well done.
Congratulations Yeru!
AND HOOOOAHHH! Time to break out my Fort Benning HOOAHH T-shirt!
*hugs* and Congrats!
Thanks to our neigbours.
Thank you sir, for your efforts. Pass along my congratulations to all your comrades.
If circumstances were different, I would have wished to serve. Unfortunately, my psychiatric history (die in no small part to being raised a dub) would prevent such activity.
I still wish there was a way, but the recruiters notably (and understandably) look askance at an application that includes two hospitilizations for suicide attempts. Oh well... I still root for ya!
Congradulations! Having been raised an AirForce brat I have a lot of respect for people in the military!