Well, I guess it will be official very soon, the announcement will be read and we will be "lost" into Satan's world.. My family will be crying together along with the congregation of people I have known for the last 20 years. Geez, to think I might really be thought of for a minute or two! LOL
My husband gave our letters to the elder who came to visit us with his wife the other day. This is the 3rd time they came by in the last month, even after he told them he would call them if we wanted to "talk". They saw the Christmas tree shining through the door, brightly lit, so there could be no question that we had already taken some steps away.......but he still stayed for an hour trying to convince my husband that it was the "truth".
Later that day my parents came over (I wasn't here) and he said my mom just looked at our Christmas decorations with jealousy in her eyes. I figured she was wondering why we had a fake tree, and not a real one, something she made an issue of when I was a kid. They still don't know about our letters, they were being to argumentative while here to tell them.
Basically, anyone I have given my reasons for leaving to, have all come back with the same things "it's a bunch of lies by apostates" and "you need to wait on Jehovah to see if there are going to be changes" and "the light keeps getting brighter, that's why there are changes in the WT" and "this world is spinning out of control and crashing upon itself, you have been caught up in it"..... that was the most hilarious one so far! I am really not moving that fast that I can feel anyway.........
My kids are loving Christmas, and just being like the other kids, happy and celebrating life. Enjoying it!
My oldest is a basket case, breaking into tears, not knowing if he will go to heaven or not, and thinking that if we just did all the good JW things, he knows then that he wouldn't die because they make sure to not do anything bad......I had to start showing him how they really don't focus enough on Jesus like some other religions do, and that could be very serious. Poor kid, I think he needs some counseling, my parents have him feeling so guilty.. I hate that! I feel like I can't even let him go to their house anymore to see them because he will be torn apart again.
Thanks for being here to listen to me.