I wonder

by Surreptitious 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    If you really mean 'on' her ...

    Of course that's what he means! Aztec was the first to realize this, I think.

  • Aztec
    Aztec was the first to realize this, I think.

    I think XW got it before anyone...

    he pondered what would come

    I 'get' Syrup's twisted sense of humor which doesn't say much for me unfortunatly.


  • Undecided

    U2k, I think you may be right on this.

    christmas is the devils work and it's base on lies and ignorance

    Since it's a celebration of the birth of a fictitous character, that would be a true statement.

    Ken P.

  • Nosferatu

    Adam came up with the word "Reindeer" while naming the animals. Eve was still inside Adam at the time..... and they say men can't get pregnant.

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