
by MegaDude 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Very interesting Mega,,,,,,,good job on your new kind of "witnessing". Now are you keeping a time slip? hehe

    In all seriousness,,,,,,,like someone said you are probably saving many lives, lives of the ones you talk to, maybe their friends and loved ones.

    I know it feels so good to have the freedom to talk to others so openly about what you have learned.

    It sounds that the way you are doing it is right on.......not argumentative , but you are getting them to think. Even if they don't act on it right away,,,,,,,,,you have planted the seed brother. You are giving them the best gift they will ever get and they may not realize it yet, but one day they will remember that "dude" at the taco place, who told them to check on the internet about what they are into or learning about. Fight fire with fire right?

  • Odrade

    Man, I do not tend to run into JWs and former JWs (unless it is a planned meet-up--LOL) but I am contantly encountering people who have had painful encounters with them through friends and family. I have heard over and over stories from people I meet about how their family was happy, then one member converted and it tore them all apart. I hear stories about a person dating a "fringe" JW and how hot/cold and psychologically abusive the relationship became from trying to force the beliefs on the "unbeliever." Not to mention the typical heartache accompanying a JW/non-JW relationship.

    I have also had sooo many people just say "I always wondered why JWs...." and I've been able to answer lots of questions. Many people have said that previous to our conversations, JWs seemed like such nice people with such a loving message. Several people I've spoken with were regular magazine route calls, though they are NOT anymore. LOL

    But my point in all of this is, I think you encounter what you put yourself out for. Keep your eyes and ears open and it's everywhere. Exactly the same premise the Dubs function on with their "informal witnessing." It's a useful tool. The problem for me though, is I'm putting myself out there in the same community I was a Dub in. I'm not df'd or da'd, and we have a good fade going on. I suspect it's only a matter of time before I'm exposed as one of those "wicked apostates."

    Whatever, I really don't care. After all the years spent proselytizing, pioneering on school vacations, bible studies and such, it feels good to finally "set the record straight." And if it keeps even one family from breaking up due to a conversion, maybe I can erase a little guilt.


  • cruzanheart

    Some guys are babe magnets -- you are obviously a JW magnet. (And I'm sure you're a babe magnet too -- don't cry!)


  • jst2laws

    Hey Megadude,

    Valis said,

    Megs..perhaps you are like a dub magnet..Megadude the Great Attractor....has a nice ring to it.

    and Nina said,

    Some guys are babe magnets -- you are obviously a JW magnet. (And I'm sure you're a babe magnet too -- don't cry!)

    Maybe your screen name should be MagnetDude?

    And I wanted to add what a good example you are to the brothers and sisters here by your unselfish willingness to share the good news at every opportunity. :-)


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Maybe its all those 'incidental' witnesssing you didn't do, your making up for it.

    Guest 77

  • drwtsn32

    Keep up the good work, ApostaDude!

    Coincidences seem to be a normal occurrence for you.

  • Billygoat

    Hey MegaMagnetDude!

    I think God is using you. You do a great job of reverse "witnessing" without being overbearing. I've been out 13 years. I'm waiting to run into some JWs. But I haven't. Not in that whole 13 years. I've encountered two exJWs. One at my last job. Total @$$! One at this current job. She's one of my best work friends! As you know, I still struggle with a lot of issues. Maybe there's a reason why I haven't run into any. I may scare them enough to stay. LOLOL!

    Love you,


  • LittleToe

    Dude, I'm impressed

  • Stephanus

    This is all good news and understandable, given the stats. Since there are more ex's than "ins", the likelihood of an ex running into a new study is high. And studys are easier to reach than ins, so the Watchtower policy of creating militant anti-Tower missionaries is going to bite them in the arse over the coming decade or so, when they could really do with some new converts to bolster the numbers. Well done, WBTS, you've shot yourself in the foot once again!

  • Joyzabel

    ROTFLMAO @ MegaMagnetDude.

    yeah, that's the ticket.

    No wonder all the JW's are flocking to you!

    Wonderful work, Brother MMD. Pretty soon you'll be appointed a zone overseerer or in charge of Kingdumb Theocracka$$ school for moderators! lol Show us the way, dude.


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