Carpal Tunnel

by SanFranciscoJim 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanFranciscoJim

    As you have probably noticed, I haven't been posting much these past few days.

    Part of it is the "holiday blues" which I can't seem to break out of. Not much in the mood to participate in controversial, confrontational, or political posts I suppose. I just don't have the intestinal fortitude for it right now. And, I'm not cheery enough to participate in "fluff" threads, either, so there you have it.

    Actually, in the past 3 days, my carpal tunnel has started coming back. As you are probably aware, I am a sci-fi writer. This is not a good thing for a writer to get! My longhand is incomprehensible (except perhaps to doctors and pharmacists), so I am a keyboard-dependent writer.

    Has anyone else experienced carpal tunnel? What did you do about it? Suggestions? Ideas?

    (PS) You're not going to believe this, but I actually put up a Christmas tree! I inherited my mother's decorations when she passed away 2 years ago, and I felt that hanging these decorations (many of which she made by hand) would be an excellent way to honor her memory. I may post a photo of the tree soon if I can manage to dig out my digital camera.

    (PPS) Nosferatu, if you're reading this, I know what you're thinking: I'm spending too much time writing to those silly Nigerians, and that's where the carpal tunnel came from!

  • belbab


    Vitamin B 6 is supposed to be a good remedy for carpal tunnel syndrome.


  • morty

    (((((((( Sanfranjim))))))

    What a lovely memorable gesture you did for your mom.......( almost made me cry)

    As far as your carpel Tunnel, My granny has it and she says that if you put Emmu oil on it, it makes you feel much better....

    It is hard to find, but if you go on line, you will find it there..( some health stores carry it as well) is expensive, but she says, she would not be without it.......hope this is some help for you....


  • Satanus

    Frequent stretching of the wrist, breathing a few times as you hold the stretch. Stretch the affected wrist forward w the other hand, also backward against a wall, desk or something. Also a bit of shaking. Learn to breath deep, sticking out your stomache, in these stretches. Also, cold running water on it. I'm a mouser, and it seems to work for me. If it's really bad, this probably wont work. I think it's mainly to keep from getting it.


  • shotgun

    Get the surgery Jim....Its tough for about two to three weeks but after that the pain is gone. I've had several friends and reletives who had it done with total success.

    I on the other hand held off for years and when I had it done it didn't help because the nerves were now damaged due to prolonging the situation.

    Get several opinions first before you decide. Doctor's opinions that is.

  • Odrade

    Jim, talk to Kate (bikerchic). She had it pretty bad at one point, but treated it with therapy, not drugs/surgery. Also, see an LMT trained and certified in Myofascial techniques. If you need a good reference, call a local massage school and ask if any of the instructors do this type of work.

    Lots of luck, CTS can be pretty painful. I know of people who have had the surgery successfully, but IMO it is a last resort. If you are having flare-ups, and in between periods where it is still okay, you might have good success without cutting, and a lot less time out of commission.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Thanks all. As it so happens, I have an appointment with my doctor already scheduled for December 30th for a routine check up. You better believe this is the first thing I'm going to talk with him about.

    Gotta go...... *ouch!*

  • Sentinel

    A few years back, I had this pain in the joint of my right thumb and into the wrist. I didn't go to the doctor for it, and instead a friend loaned me what she had used when she had Carpal Tunnel. It was an elastic support that fit around the thumb and wrist. Along with doses of Advil, It helped me get over the worst of it. I believe mine was caused from my Fibromyalgia.

    I had to keep working and much of my work is done at the computer, so I know what you mean. Some have opted for the operation, but it can come back anyway, so I've been told. Rearranging the height of your computer and the way you work at the keyboard can help. Use good arm and wrist cushions at all times. Hope you feel better soon.


  • Loris

    After years of swinging a hammer as a carpenter I had it about as bad as it could get. The pain at night was the worst. It was all the way from the hand to the shoulder. I would get some relief by hanging the offending arm off the bed. Then because I learned to use my left hand more the pain was in both arms. Sleeping on a surfboard propped across two saw horses was out of the question, so I went to a Dr.

    He told me that surgery was just a temporary fix, It quite often returns. He had me wear a hand brace at night. It has a piece of flat metal on the palm that keeps the wrist straight. He wanted me to wear it during the day too but I had to swing that hammer to feed my kids.

    I experienced amazing results. I wore the brace as often as was practical. Within a month I could sleep through the night pain free.

    I no longer work as a carpenter. I am a computer drafter. But on weekends I always have a project that involves a hammer. I still have my ragged, well worn hand brace handy. I still have to use it sometimes but now it is a rare occurance.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


  • smurfy


    Definately see about the surgery. my friends mom had it and it did wonders for her.

    Good luck!!!

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