As you have probably noticed, I haven't been posting much these past few days.
Part of it is the "holiday blues" which I can't seem to break out of. Not much in the mood to participate in controversial, confrontational, or political posts I suppose. I just don't have the intestinal fortitude for it right now. And, I'm not cheery enough to participate in "fluff" threads, either, so there you have it.
Actually, in the past 3 days, my carpal tunnel has started coming back. As you are probably aware, I am a sci-fi writer. This is not a good thing for a writer to get! My longhand is incomprehensible (except perhaps to doctors and pharmacists), so I am a keyboard-dependent writer.
Has anyone else experienced carpal tunnel? What did you do about it? Suggestions? Ideas?
(PS) You're not going to believe this, but I actually put up a Christmas tree! I inherited my mother's decorations when she passed away 2 years ago, and I felt that hanging these decorations (many of which she made by hand) would be an excellent way to honor her memory. I may post a photo of the tree soon if I can manage to dig out my digital camera.
(PPS) Nosferatu, if you're reading this, I know what you're thinking: I'm spending too much time writing to those silly Nigerians, and that's where the carpal tunnel came from!