Did any of you ever miss the memorial while you were in? I missed 2 of them. Once I had a very serious Staff infection in my leg and I could not wear any pants or shorts because it ran all the way up my thigh. The other time i missed was last year after my ex and i split up and i was not sure if i wanted to be a JW anymore.
did you ever miss the memorial?
by freelife 35 Replies latest jw experiences
I had a very serious Staff infection in my leg
Is your leg made out of wood?
Nope...I never missed a single memorial until after we stopped going to meetings.
got wood?lol did i not spell staff right? i am a dumb ass sometimes.
You meant a staph (staphylococcus) infection. Sorry...don't mind me... I'm just a smartass sometimes.
its ok man i am just wetawded sometimes (don't give me any sharp instruments i might stab myself).
What they do once a year I do once a month and not just only a few but all who believe in Christ do this very thing
phil J
Hey freelife, I never missed while I was in that mostly due to my parents. I was sixteen and got the chikenpox in the early spring I was not contagious any more but still had the scabs on my face my parents made me go it was horrible. The whole time I was standing in the back thinking of hiding my face but my parents had to be there forty five minutes before and stay atleast a half hour after. The last one I went to we left after (this was month or two before df) myself and some other faders at the time went to Applebees and did our own "partakeing" of the emblems. We were hammered by the time another group of jws got there, bad very bad.
Years before all that I remember standing in a group of elder servants as they watched a inactive couple bring their children in and sit down. Their statements are some of the most haunting I carry. After sever negative comments the senior brother looked at us and said "If your only going to one meeting a year why would you even bother, not like this one is going to make a difference". We stood there and arrogantly agreed casting a lowly look to the two as they arranged their children before prayer. I feel so bad about that, the same brother after was shaking hands and all smiles to the two. So every spring I think of that event and how they will smile and shake my hand and then say what they feel behind my back. I have even driven by the hall on memorial watched them walk in, I don't know why some innerfear I guess. The end result for me is no I'am not going in, I'll take my chances and stand on my actions when I die. Atleast at one point in my life I will know the truth. Hope thats not to dark of a answer :). phil
Phil thats not a dark answer at all. I remember hearing different ones who would say close to the same thing. I didn't know what to think when someone would say that. I guess now that I am on the outside though I would have to be carried kicking and screaming back in there because of the attitudes that some JWS have to inactive ones. not that they would speak to me anyway being df'd and all.
I think the way they handle the event is disgraceful. It's supposed to be about actually eating and drinking not about passing plates of food around so you can count who partakes . It's like the food is considered holier than the people .It could be considered a form of idolatry , The WTBTS believes that jesus hid his body when he was resurected from the jews so that they didn't use it in forms of idolatry so why now do they use the symbolic body in a way contrary to the teachings ?
That and one other meeting that month was the only thing I attended last year. I don't plan to attend again.