A lie is a lie, but how would GOD deal it?

by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    "Hey double edge, im 22 and all because you might be older than me, does not mean you know and understand more than me. I dont know everything and neither do i think i know everything, i understand the world that Your God and my GOd and everybody else God has gave us, yes The Earth is our home and The throne of heavens is God. If you want to celebrate holidays and all this other man made crap, then that;s your choice. You just remember noah's day.

    Also There is a time of rejoicing, and there is a time for living happy, and you can also lived happen without christmas, christmas cometh from a pagan celebration and yall say christmas overcometh that pagan celebration and made it better, but i did'nt no God design lies. santa is not real so stop lying, nobody knows when the messiah was born, so leave him out of chirstmas.

    Im pretty sure God and Jesus and his disciples would not respect the way christmas was creator. we all make choices in life and we also fall short of God, but there is a time when we have to give up all unrighteousness. So um yall have a merry jolly and no lying christmas, ooops, you cant have that cause everybody is lying. It is possible to have good times without christmas, and i am proof, yall just dont have alot of faith.

    "" Listen to peter when that great man said a time is coming when a new heaven and a new earth is coming from the hand of God to prepare those who are righteous and dwell into the holy city. Listen to Job when he said that The hand of God brings Lighting and listen to the thunder cause it is GOd's voice. Listen to the bible cause it is from God and it is perfect in all his ways ""

  • SanFranciscoJim
    So um yall have a merry jolly and no lying christmas, ooops, you cant have that cause everybody is lying. It is possible to have good times without christmas, and i am proof......

    Yes, indeed it is possible to have good times by calling everyone liars.

    You might want to look in the mirror. I think you may have a rafter in your eye. (Matt. 7: 1-5)

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    santa is not real so stop lying

    I got lots of presents delivered last night so you're the liar! Santa is real - that is a fact!

    Merry Christmas.


  • JamesThomas

    U2K, Welcome to the board. Do you kill people for celebrating Christmas? No. This may be extremely difficult for you, but it may help to try and get your mind around a God more loving than you -- instead of less. Lighten up. Be happy. Listen to the melody of a song bird -- there is more unconditional love in their tiny, little hearts than mans ideas of God will ever have. Let it teach you.


  • frenchbabyface
    santa is not real so stop lying

    If you read it on the first degree it is very LOL ... well finally every degrees are LOL !

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well said James.

    I've had enough of pompous self-righteous "christians" who arrogantly sit in judgment on the rest of humanity. If God is anything like this, then go ahead and destroy me in Armageddon or whatever comes. I want no part of this level of shrieking, hypocritical, finger pointing from someone who really needs to invest in Spell Check.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    This is why cousins shouldn't marry.


    "im in the mist of every religion"

    First of all, not every religion has mist as a part of it's services. There'd have to be pretty high humidity for that...

    Second of all, many religions don't believe whatsover in your God, your Bible or Jesus, so your claim to "every religion" is bogus.

    Third, most of us have been beaten over the head with Biblical threats til we're immune. It just doesn't work on us anymore. I suggest you find another sandbox to kick in.

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    I dont celebrate nothing and i never will. But you know what i have learn many things from this post, and the bottom line is that i refuse to discuss this kind of subject anymore. The world aint listening anyway.

  • pamkw

    So you don't celebrate nothing. How sad for you. I new celebrate everything. You need to have a little fun, and stop taking this God stuff so seriously. And you must have a very dull life, being so narrow minded and hateful.


  • JamesThomas
    i refuse to discuss this kind of subject anymore. The world aint listening anyway.

    U2K, I know how you feel. Often I make attempts at suggesting to Christians that the Source of this wondrous universe ( that which many refer to as "God"), is infinitely more than carnal-minded religious beliefs, yet these kind people are insulted and hear not, for fear of a lesser god. That's just the way it is. The flower blooms when it is time, and not a moment before. Keep your heart open. Listen to nature. A time may come when the box in which your mind has placed God -- breaks; and you will no longer fear. Your intentions are good, and I wish you well. j Thank you Tex , for your kind comments.

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