Notice anything different?
by enigma1863 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was flipping through an old publication and noticed the similarities between these two pictures, minus the beard. -
I fixed the wording in the second picture..
The Goofs that Write for WatchTower,never get anything right..
Jesus really looks angry here,doesn`t he?
Do you know why he is so angry?
It is because the WBT$ put ATM Machines In Gods Temple..
Remember we cant spread the important message of the good news without your offering to Jehovah. If you missed your monthly payment at your Kingdom Hall, why not give now ? , we accept Visa, MasterCard or Debit .
Oh if you heard rumors of the organization holding onto millions, those are just silly lies probably from evil apostates, we would never do that and not tell you.
Thank you with warm Christian love from your brothers at Wallkill New York .
Great post!
Yep, I love looking at the "evolution" of the pictures throughout the years!
And don't witnesses just love drawing all sorts of conclusions as a result of the pictures!? For instance, they love saying things like "well, we see from the picture that Jehovah requires______" or "this picture clearly helps us to see _______"
and whatever they want to push, the pictures seem to be tailored to promote!
Village Idiot
Has anyone ever wondered why Watchtower Jesus always sports a Western style beard? Also, the money bag on the table looks like a scrotum. -
Was there a picture of Jesus in a recent WTS. article with grey hair ?
If its true, I guess Jesus has gotten older since taking his throne in 1914.
does left jesus have a mullet? -
How about this one. Notice every detail, every strand of hair, even the ripples in the water droplet are one and the same!
"An unfortunate example appears in the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. This was released when I was a teenage boy, and I fondly remember the picture on page 93. The woman was so beautiful that I could clearly understand the temptation that the angels must have felt whilst looking down upon the earth. What I did not know at the time was that this woman was a real person, Pascale Petit, who appeared in Playboy November 1963 and some raunchy movies, such as the European sex comedy Frau Wirtin hat auch einen Grafen. The inclusion of this picture in the Live Forever book was a potential copyright infringement, as the image of Pascale Petit was taken directly from the cover of the 13th August 1961 German magazine Stern."
Village idiot: lol- that's the first thing I thought.