The WTS and Dictatorship

by Defender 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    A lot of comparisons have been made between the WTS and political dictatorial governments. Some hope that while the political dictatorial governments tend to develop fatal flaws that eventually bring about their demise, the same may be happening in the WTS. While there may be outward similarities between WTS and dictatorial regimes, but the inherent political and social power structure is different.

    One very big difference is that the majority of the population who live under tyrannical dictatorship, while they had no say in choosing such leadership, nonetheless, have no choice but to live under it. The average JW VOLUNTARILY chooses to submit to the dictatorial will of the WTS, thinking that it is from God. This behavior is not normal in the real political world. People living under severe dictatorship try to escape it and few if any will want to come and live under it.

    Once JWs are inside the system, they become its most fervent defenders. Even in the face of obvious flaws and errors, JWs would create excuse after excuse in support of the system. This again is not normal in the real political world. Apart from the elite ruling party members, the average citizen of a tyrannical regime would readily accept the flaws of the system or the leadership and would be open to change. It is this element of the disgruntled majority that eventually brings about the end of tyranny and political change. The latest events in the country of Georgia are prime example.

    Sadly, there does not exist within the WTS a disgruntled majority that is willing to accept the existence of flaws and is open to change. Those that do eventually see the errors find it very hard to convince others, become inactive and place themselves outside the system. Thus no critical mass is built IN the system to effect change.

    What could bring about change in the WTS is another schism at the top. The Governing Body has to equally split with members on both sides possessing enough clout, capital and followers to rent the WTS in half. Even at this stage, change is done from the top. One part of the WTS will continue in its old tradition and the other part would be the one introducing change, albeit a disciplined change accompanied with a lot of out of context Scriptures to justify it. However, splitting the WTS is like splitting the atom, a lot of material will leak out. Many JWs will simply walk out. This is their real chance of change and freedom.

  • Gopher

    Yes, they've got a bunch of hard-liners at the top of the corporation right now. When the old guard dies off, will the new ones make the changes needed to keep the JW organization going through the end of this century?

    They've got to let up on the harsh disfellowshipping, and the unorthodox rules on blood transfusion, and perhaps make field service no longer mandatory -- perhaps a "special ministry" that people can choose to participate in or not.

    If they don't normallize in some of the above ways, they're going to die out. What will be left to hold the interest of the upcoming generation?

  • Euphemism

    Interesting idea, Defender! However, I'd like to make an alternate suggestion. You pointed out:

    Sadly, there does not exist within the WTS a disgruntled majority that is willing to accept the existence of flaws and is open to change.

    While it's true that the majority of the WTS does not recognize that the WTS is the source of their problems, I do think that the majority would welcome a change. Most Witnesses stretch or break the rules in secret. Most Witnesses try to be as much like the "world" as the Society will allow. So I think that the seeds of discontent--while perhaps currently repressed--are there.

  • Maverick

    Good points annd well stated. I wonder if (the diluting of the hardline) the WTS prided itself on and the loss of many of the old guard will help weaken its hold on the membership? As with any oppressive ruling class, information and exposure are the great enemies. The Ex-JW surround the Organization. Most of us touch or effect the membership. And as OUR ranks grown and WE become more of an element that the J-dud Master can't control, the WTS will be forced to tighten down the passing of this information to the collective. And the result will be that the more intelligent and reasonable members will chaff at the oppression. And this will spiral on and cause the WTS to loss the very poeple it needs to keep viable. I have compared this to the oppression in Eurpoe that lead to many skilled and educated people to flee Europe for America in the 17th and 18th centuries. In time the WTS will be just some goofy fringe group that has lost all mainstream appeal! Maverick

  • SadElder

    How interesting that you should use that expression. About a year or so ago a Bethelite friend mentioned that some in a particular group or committee were using that expression to describe the workings of thier department, they called it the benevolent dictatorship. Interesting that some supposed keepers of the faith forget that Christ is head. Sad. To quote an old line from a convention drama --- too bad for them.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    The 'end' times has proven effectual for the org., since it's inception. It has kept to keep a handle on its followers.

    Today's 'terrorists' propaganda keeps the people in a state of 'fear' and under control. You gotta have some type 'gimmick' to control the masses. How many of us are sucked in daily with great sales pitches? If I guaranteed your security would your ears perk-up?

    If people weren't so apathetic, it would be a different picture. When something appeals to our selfish craving, how many of us cave -in? How many people bought into the famous last words, "The war to end all wars?"

    The org., uses Peter's question, "Lord, whom shall we go away to?" You have saying of everlasting life;" The org. gives the 'false' impression (taking on the role of Christ) that it is them that they must 'go away to." Peter was very plain, it was to Jesus and not the 'then' existing religious system that had saying of everlasting life.

    Guest 77

  • metatron

    Excellent thoughts expressed here.

    However, you may fail to capture the extent of deceit and trusting compliance that

    actually exists in most dictatorships.

    People took to the streets only after the Soviet system was riddled with rot.

    The Soviets ran out of money, lost the next generation to western influences,

    had abysmal productivity, and allowed corruption thruout its leadership. Sound familiar?

    Take a good look at the 'reverse cleansing' in the organization -losing caring, capable

    men -- and think about defectors. The rest are duped into thinking they cannot 'escape'

    because only the Watchtower has the 'truth'. Tack on shunning and much of this isn't

    voluntary - AND THE SOCIETY KNOWS IT - which is why they exploit it.

    Overall, I think the analogy works pretty well - especially when you look at the

    Theocratic Geriatric Politboro (oops! GB)


  • stillajwexelder

    Thu s no critical mass is built IN the system to effect change.

    So true -- people are ruthlesly disfellowshipped for apostasy well before critical mass is reached. I can not remember if I have told this story on the this board before - but I was once at a BOE meeting at CO visit time and there was a case of apostasy developing that could have also affected surrounding congregations. The CO s exact words to the BOE were " Do not procrastinate on this one -- hold the judicial hearings as soon as humanly possible and disfellowship them -- worry about any appeals later."

    I was a loyal elder at the time so I was not shocked -- in fact it gave me a buzz

  • metatron

    as an addendum to the above, reform will never come to the Watchtower because

    publishers openly rebel. They are utterly compliant.

    But l look for sudden change if:

    they make huge conceited mistakes ( like Hitler invading Russia)

    they lose lots of money (lawsuits, France, no contributions)

    they lose critical , skilled manpower (C.O.'s, lawyers, elders, even technicians)

    It can happen - without mobs of publishers rising up.


  • IT Support
    IT Support
    What could bring about change in the WTS is another schism at the top.

    A Bethelite friend is firmly convinced this WILL happen, and the child abuse scandal will be the trigger.

    He is a faithful JW, though he is fully aware of the problems at the top, describing the atmosphere there as 'rotten.' His attitude is that the child abuse scandal may be Jehovah's way of 'cleansing the organisation,' and it will result in many of the GB being purged, with some possibly even facing prison. These would be the hard-line members who have insisted on retaining the existing policies, of whom Jaracz is the prime mover.

    When we talked about this, I must admit I was rather cruel to my friend and scoffed at his suggestion that Jehovah was 'causing' all these kids to suffer, just to make a point. I also suggested that the remaining GB-ers would continue to appoint replacements 'in their own image,' even after the anointed-only rule is scrapped. He was silent after that...



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