12:00 a.m. (E.S.T.) Boxing Day Now: how do you all feel?

by RAYZORBLADE 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    It ain't over until I say it is.


  • Aztec

    Woohoo! My first ever Boxing Day! We don't have that in the US. I got good presents: liquor, jewelry and a gift certificate for the Beer Store! I slept really good last night thanks to an overdose of tryptophan.

    Doodle, my week has sounded similar. "Can I open my presents NOW?" "No!" " How bout NOW?"

    Shamus, yes, you're an ass!


  • pettygrudger

    My Xmas was wonderful as usual. I swear I relive my childhood of missed xmas' every year as I watch the kids open their presents & get all giddy. My children truly make it worth all the effort it takes. To be surrounded by true friends & family - there's no greater joy. It gets overwhelming, so today is nothing but laying around, eating leftovers & playing with all our new toys. We are truly blessed & fortunate.

    Our company was able to adopt 8 children for xmas this year, and it was such a treat & honor to deliver the packages. To know those children weren't expecting too much, and to fulfill their truest desires is an experience I hope all will get the fortune to experience for themselves. Most had asked for coats, mittens & clothes, so we were able to fulfill not only their needs, but also some of their secret wishes.


    (((Pettygrudger))) - yes, I found out about the sweet things your company did for a few needy folks this past week.

    How sweet. Talk about giving something back to your community eh? Nothing like that happens via the WTBTS. No, No, uh-uh!

    And I think I'm with you Petty, when you relive your missed Christmases. I missed several in my mid-teens to early 20s. But got them back, and I must admit, it's a lovely time of year, and I really do enjoy the comradery and community spirit that happens at this time of year.

    I think a very special little boy, got some pretty cool gifts this year. He got spoiled, but you know what? He deserved it.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday, and were pampered, spoiled and well taken care of.

    (((to everyone)))

    **PS: to add, Doodle-V, that was hilarious.....I could almost hear them asking 'Mom' about their gifts, too cute. Same with Aztec's son. Although I know what he sounds like, and how he is (a little adorable clown), I can see Aztec trying to satiate his curiosity. Too cute!!

  • Aztec

    Hehe Ray! Yeah my son is cute but man, is he ever tenacious?! Next year the gifts are hiding until he goes to bed Christmas Eve. My son was truly spoiled by his adopted Auntie Rhonda and her wonderful company. He got a gameboy, 3 games, a keyboard and an art set. Lucky kid! He also got Clodhoppers from his uncle Ray and a hockey game from his uncle Walter. Mom stuffed his stocking with little toys and candies. What a spoiled little babe he is!

    Rhonda, I'm so glad you had a great Christmas. Celebrating with my son makes up for all the lost years that I never got to celebrate. You'll have pictures in an email shortly.

    Ray, I'm gonna break in the gift certificate really soon. We're dreadfully low on Sleeman's Cream Ale.


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