everything from wisconsin is mad specialy packer fans!!!
hey yall
by not interested 22 Replies latest jw friends
Hey not interested,
Thanks for checking in. Hope things are well with you.
And Skol Vikings!!
hey NI, swing by next time youre in MT
Hey dude!! Good to see your still hangnin. By the way, the G stands for Goobers not Gargbage.
Country Girl
Do they call them packers cuz they work at a packing plant? Maybe they're the ones sneaking the mad cows into the country. <snickers at Xena>
LMAO @ CG !! Yep- it's meat packing !!
OBI- shush you !!! Hey- how are those Lions doing these days?
Lions sucks!! GO COWBOYS!!!
talking about mad cow disease, today on the radio I heard that a six yr old herford has mad cow and now is causing trouble for Canadians in Alberta. And just when the US was considering accepting our meat again.
Go figure, is this sabatoge or what?
all my love Orangefatcat