"When a man finds his way, heaven is gentle. But don't piss off Xena, she will kick your ass Grasshopper." - Master Po to Caine
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t 76 Replies latest jw friends
Are you following me around the board tonight and trying to set me up for an as kicking from Xena? What have I ever done to you to deserve this? I'm sensitive ya know. I cry easily. Xena scares the hell out of me, you got a problem with that?
Do it one more time and I'm gonna sick the sweater puppy twins on you. They do what ever I ask. I feed them doggy bacon and help them put their single brain in the washing machine at night. They love to sit there and eat their doggy bacon and watch their brain go round and round in the dryer. It's cute as hell.
Das right sucka
Anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world. because i listen and i hear, if any man or woman has a ear let him hear the word, i have 2 ears so i can hear real clear.
Ahhhh yes... to be young and all knowing again.
I understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world...and I pitty the po' fool who don't believe me!
You're being controlled by what I like to call the "Carrot in front of the draft horse syndrome"........ Remove the carrot and walk forward with your eyes open....
I might not know alot of things in this life, but one day i do know is that you are suppose to love those who have harm you or others
Harm? Are you trying to assert that those who happen to find out all the flaws in the Society's doctrine, those who dare point out the child abuse coverups, those who make known the idiocy of the blood issue...you are trying to assert that we would harm you? So many DA'd & DF'd people here would probably love to see their Society friends & family to just say 'hi'...they don't want to discuss religion or spirituality but instead just want to see those who they care for. What kind of 'love' is being shown for those people? None...
I just love your name, when it says "The Greatest"... ROFLMAO!
Geez, you are such a tit. I hope that your god and you have a great time killing us. Peace be to you!
Your story has more holes in it than grandma's underpants.
i'm glad there's people like U2K here. it makes me look even greater.
LOL ... PD ... U can't stop jocking AIN'T Y'A ? ... but well it make sense here anyway ! -
What?? Nobody's gonna attack poor FrenchBabyFace for her English??