Just wanting confirmation on this.
Anthony Morris no longer a GB member
by joe134cd 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It’s on the JW website. Click “JW News”
They call him “Brother Anthony Morris” to show he’s not been disfellowshipped.
But since he has the REPUTATION of being the type of "leader" which is an EMBARRASSMENT due to BOTTLEGATE and the Infamous/Mean-Spirited talks (Tight Pants Rants, No Young Bro Marriage Candidate If He Is Not An MS By Age 23, Burnt Hot Dogs Wish At The Big A, etc.), WT may not want him to continue to be one of the faces of the cultporation. They are ultra-concerned about how this organization is appearing to the general public and want to CLEAN UP THEIR ACT. His spewing HATEFUL RHETORIC is NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS!
Bethel has a long-standing policy that being dealt with judicially is a disqualifier for a Bethelite. He/she must be dismissed. Tony was not dismissed so it is unlikely that he was subjected to a Judicial Hearing.
It is more likely that he was pressured to resign from the GB or possibly voted off. The convenient arrival of the 2 new members sounds like a developed plan put in place in the recent past.
I wonder if either of those 2 fellows ever served in PA? Hmmmm. I doubt it. If they aren't squeaky clean when it comes to that developing investigation, then WTC is not as saavy as I thought. At least one was selected as a replacement for Tony. As for the other - time will tell.
2 new videos on the website about money. Materialism and unrighteous riches... Seems rather coincidental if it wasn't a clue as to the issue with his removal.
Could be he pushed certain policies, or ideologies during the pandemic in return for $$$? (Vaccines???)
"... GO GET VACCINATED! " you poor peasants...
Sounds like we need some insider information.
Beth Sarim
Information is soon to come, Ray Frans II, you never know.
There is no wrongdoing attached here but obviously there is something wrong.