A couple of questions about summer conventions (spinoff)

by razorMind 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maggie

    When my husband and I were special pioneers and working two or three assemblies each summer ...we knew of the comp rooms.They generally were given to WT reps or CO DO, the arrangement is this; for every so many rooms that are booked they receive comp rooms. So if it is a 200 room establishment then they might get as many as four rooms free for the time of the assembly. We received those rooms if we worked more than one convention....Summer convention not 2 day assembly...this was a help for us as we were special pioneers and not allowed to work a job. I have to say that one time we were at a convention working the second or third one I can't remember...but, they told us it was a comp room and then they wanted us to donate the amount of the room to the WT society and of course we did although we had not the funds or the budget to do. Of course we were never allowed to tell anyone about those things. This is one of those things that is swept under the rug, hoping that no one will ever ask about it or understand how it works. Not that it is wrong it is all business and business is not wrong. If we can make a good deal then we should but, I feel that it should all be above board and that everyone should have full knowledge about what is actually happening and then they can decide to be a part of it or not. Truth is truth ...lies can be lies of omission...see the WT for further clarification of what a lie of omission is....Maggie

  • Gozz

    It would be a sign of zero coordination if the WTS doesn't put these arrangements in place. They're good for organization. The problem with the arrangement is more ethical than all else. First, for the upcoming conventions, the letters sent out state that rather than use any other hotel not on the 'aprroved' list, brothers should call the congregation secretary and inform him of the situation; it was severally stressed that non-compliance would mean working against the interests of the brothers doing the work and by extension the FDS, and, of course, Jehovah. Also, there's the practice of gentle asking some who occupy the complimentary rooms to 'make a donation' to the Society (as Maggie writes); it's horrible putting more burdens on some of the poor full-timers.

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