For the loud and clear record, the urge to kill other people is an identifiable criterion of NO recognized mental health disorder.
Update on Detroit-Area Murder Suicide - Front Page Article
by lepermessiah 30 Replies latest jw friends
There is a lot more details to this than we can possibly know from a news article.
For the loud and clear record, the urge to kill other people is an identifiable criterion of NO recognized mental health disorder.
What a ridiculous statement....well of course not the URGE to kill is not a criteria of mental health disorder but it is clear murder/manslaughter or suicide, when investigated, has a high percentage of mental health issues are involved.
Speaking from experience...
steve2: For the loud and clear record, the urge to kill other people is an identifiable criterion of NO recognized mental health disorder.
how does that relate to Primarily Obsessional OCD, or Pure O?
She even killed the family dog. I don't get this shit; they were OUT for 5+ years, the kids were thru college and on their way to a successful life, the woman was doing some mature modeling......WTF was the problem exactly??? Just by how they were living was one gigantic middle-finger to the Org and any dumbass JW's in it, so what was the problem? She left a note, but we all know that'll never be released. I mean, she must have called the (adult) kids home for Sunday dinner or something, then gathered them round the table and then opened fire, even on the dog!!! She was a selfish, self-centered, NUTCASE. Past exposure to JW-ism just added a more sinister flare to her. If she were so "depressed" she could have just offed herself and left everyone else in peace. Narc wench if you ask me. Her Congregation was probably glad to be rid of her!!! Also, FYI, I heard/read the reason they were DF'd was because they STOLE from the Congregation!
Pure speculation. Maybe she wanted to go back to the borg and feared what would happen to the rest at Armageddon when they pushed back. Then it makes sense in the crazy JW mindset
The tragic story of a murder-suicide involving a husband and wife, and their two adult children, in Keego Harbor - a 3,000 population city some 25 miles to the north of Detroit in Michigan, US - initially broke when police found their bodies at their home on Friday morning, February 16, 2018.
The first, and only, inkling that there may be a 'Jehovah's Witness' connection to the story was later the same day when an article on the website of The Detroit News mentioned that: "Neighbors John and Jackie Tristani... said in one of their first meetings with Lauren Stuart a few years ago she attempted to 'recruit' them into the Jehovah’s Witnesses."
It was then, two days later, on Sunday, February 18, that video emerged on YouTube of a family friend, Joyce Taylor, crashing the start of the Sunday morning meeting at a local Kingdom Hall. This was then picked up over the following days by various news-outlets.
Friday, February 16, 2018
- The Detroit News (US): Four dead in family murder-suicide in Keego Harbor
Sunday, February 18, 2018
- YouTube Video: Friend crashes Kingdom Hall in memory of the Stuart family
Monday, February 19, 2018
RawStory (US): Jehovah's Witness church accused of driving former member to kill her entire family and herself with false accusations of theft
Fox2 Detroit (US): Friend blames religion for Keego Harbor family's murder-suicide
WXYZ Detroit (US): Did church shun family in Keego Harbor murder-suicide?
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Detroit Free Press (US): IN PRINT - FRONT PAGE - Did shunning lead her to kill?
USA Today (US): Did Jehovah's Witness shunning drive mom to kill her family, self?
Inquisitr (US): Woman Murders Husband, Two Children, And Family Dog After Being Shunned By Jehovah’s Witnesses
Christian Post (US): Woman Who Killed Self, Entire Family Was Shunned by Jehovah's Witnesses for Sending Kids to College
Heavy . com (US): Lauren Stuart: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
TEGNA (multiple-outlets) (US): Friends: Jehovah's Witnesses shunning drove Detroit-area mom to murder-suicide
Friendly Atheist (Patheos): Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Kills Family, Then Herself, Possibly Due to Church Shunning
People (US): Mich. Model Shoots Her Husband and Adult Children Before Turning the Gun on Herself
Rare (US): A woman blames Jehovah’s Witnesses after her friend took her family’s lives in a murder-suicide
JW GoneBad
Where in the hell is WT's public relations director or communication's director at a time like this? :)
JW GoneBad
Ha! you won't find this JW murder suicide story on Newsroom page.
When a model mother, someone who worked at the local YMCA, whose husband was a systems architect at a Uni developing critical care systems, kills her whole family plus the family dog, there is most definitely a mental health issue and very likely the cult brainwashing lingered in this woman.
After all, if you take JW doctrine to it's logical and most extreme conclusion, dying before the big A is almost your only hope of being resurrected....especially if you know you are inoccent of any sin but are not allowed to be a member of the one true religion.