thanks Landy - valid points
Have we become what we despise so much?
by Tenacious 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
but weren't we bad idea vigilantes when we were Jehovahs witnesses especially as our thinking then was also that truth was at stake?
Nooooope. We were selling bad ideas. And clearly you haven't left far enough from the organization to realize that it was group think. As i said in great detail earlier, the things that create heated debates on here were not personal ideas/thoughts we could entertain before, but were censored and spoon fed to us by "mother". Religion/God, Politics, World affairs. We were provided the answer we were suppose to give to all those things. No its not the same.
There is no spoon feeding out here. Everyone is on their own. And I see the debates as a healthy sign of that very thing.
the problem is that everyone is not on their own in reality. This claim that everyone is on their own does not hold up under scrutiny as we are all connected.
another problem is that ideas occupies the theoretical realm but what I see on here are empirical and social claims being made regarding people. then as this is the case all I am doing is refuting such empirical and social claims with evidence from the empirical and social sciences.
I've already said I have no problem with bad ideas being debated and would be very happy to agree when a bad idea is proved to be bad. but if someone starts making empirical claims and their only back up seems to to come from a newspaper article or one authoritative person in public and they are offering a simple black and white view then that has to be challenged.
okay - so the above would include.. - Ruby
No it wouldn't.
There are genuine victims and then there are pathetic wannabe victims who use words like "patriarchy".
Do you ever attempt to have conversations with people you disagree with without deliberately twisting their words?
Sorry I do not buy what your saying at all. I do not mislead millions into making horrible life altering decisions, protect child molesters and line my life style on the backs of the working poor. I do not have the ability to do one millionth of what the cult does. This place is the real world. If you can not stand up and say I agree with this or that and disagree with the other and want to call it hostile then sorry for you. I do not agree with those who have chosen to stay in because of friends and family. But that is their choice. I do not have to make it a circle jerk for someone who comes here with any kind of sympathetic ideas for the cult. -
Hello , Well since I don't despise Jw witness, including my family , but instead feel sorry for them as a whole I don't really know what to answer to that, but I understand your point of view I think and is valid.
I believe the answer depends on what people expect from this forum, on they being pleased with it, or disappointed.
Im here because I sympathize with the cause , have family in, like to read and write one in a while here.
Each one has its reason , but I wouldn't look at it as a religion which I think it was what your were doing , by comparing the 2 groups. Only outside religions can people freely speak out of theyre mind about anything, but thinking the human nature could be overcomed by all in a public forum seems a bit unrealistic to me.
I think its great when people disagree. How the hell would we move forward if everybody agreed in something Wrong?
Take Care
Tenacious - "Have we become what we despise so much?"
I dunno.
Are you running a corrupt, fraudulent, and borderline-criminal religious publishing/real-estate empire?